Chapter sixty five

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Heyy guys!

I just wanted to say that I'm really thankful for everyone that reads this book/supports me. I love all of you so much, without you I probably wouldn't have continued this fanfic but I'm glad that I did because I actually like it a lot. <3

I love reading all your comments, they make my day.

This chapter is around 10.000 words long which is insane to me.

I hope ya'll have a nice day, you deserve it! :)

Now, onto the chapter. Enjoy!

Katsuki Bakugo POV.

One hour passed before they arrived at the place Uraraka had told them about.

Katsuki wanted to go in a small group to avoid attention, but it didn't go as he planned.

It was a group of six people, way too much if you'd ask Katsuki.

The small building was hidden in the woods, hidden from the heroes and civilians.

It looked old, broken and the plants were growing onto the walls.

"Are we sure that they will be here?" Kirishima asked nobody in particular.

Katsuki could technically feel the shivers of the others as they watched the building.

The building looked as if it just came straight out of a horror movie or game.

"No, but we gotta have faith." Katsuki answered back, shaking his head slightly.

Uraraka had led them towards this building. Nobody said a word as they walked towards here, nobody bothered to say a word when they entered the forest.

All they did was follow their friend and hope that they would find the league.

"Uraraka, how do you know that they would be here?" Mina asked, fumbling with the tips of her fingers.

This was a question everyone wanted to know the answer to.

From Katsuki to Jirou, they all stared at the short brown haired girl, awaiting her answer.

She gulped, nerves crashing into her as she felt all the eyes on her. However, she kept her gaze at Mina. "Because I talked with Toga."

"You talked with Toga? The crazy girl?" Denki asked, eyebrows going up in surprise.

It did not surprise Katsuki for a bit. And he was sure that she wasn't the only one that talked with her, he knew that she wouldn't come here alone.

And there was only one person that she trusted enough to come with her, Katsuki knew exactly who that was.

"Deku was here too. We talked because of Y/n. I can't go into the details but I'm sure that they'll be here." She said, knitting her eyebrows together.

Katsuki couldn't help but wonder what that conversation was about, why they couldn't know a thing about it.

It annoyed him because he has the bad habit of knowing as much as he could about you and what you were planning or thinking.

Did they already know that you were going to leave? Was that why they had to talk?

So many questions but not a single answer.

Katsuki sighed, stepping forward towards the closed up gate which looked like the entrance of the building.

"We are wasting our time. Let's break this gate." He said before making a huge explosion towards the gate.

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