Chapter eleven

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"Right. Let's get to it. Put these on and head outside." Mister Aizawa said while holding training suits.

Everyone took one in their size but nobody moved afterwards as you all didn't know where you needed to change.

You waited a little longer before sighing and taking the responsibility on your own.

"Where do we change?" You asked Mister Aizawa.

"To the back door and go left. There are changing rooms for boys and girls." He explained, pointing to the directions.

You bowed slightly. "Thank you, sir."

The whole class followed you to the changing rooms. Normally you would talk with Izuku so you wouldn't feel lonely but at the moment you weren't in the mood to talk with anyone. You walked alone, two meters further than the others to have a good distance between you and them.

As soon as the rooms came in view the others pushed their way to the rooms.

You sighed, knowing that this was going to be a long day and you still needed to complete the missions Shigaraki had given you.

Thinking about the mission you weren't paying attention to where you were going and smashed into someone.

You heard the other person groan, trying to hold themself steady.

"My apologies, I was stuck up inside my mind and wasn't looking at where I was going." You said, looking up to the person.

A girl with purple hair stood in front of you, rubbing the back of her head.
You gasped quietly, looking at her. She looked gorgeous, for a hunderder procent the most beautiful girl you've ever seen in your life.

"It's alright. I'm Kyoko Jirou by the way." She spoke up, stretching out her hand for you to shake.

Normally you wouldn't do it but you couldn't decline an offer from a girl.

"Cool. My name is Y/n Midoriya. You can just call me Y/n." You chuckled while shaking her hand.

Jirou smirked, looking up and down. "Nice." 

You were sure that your face was red as fire at this moment. Never had a girl kind of complimented you. Not that it was weird because you never really had friends. You were for sure going to write this moment in one of your notebooks.

You quickly changed into the uniform that was a little too tight for your liking but you couldn't do a thing about it.

When you walked outside the others were already there as you were a little slower because of the incident you had with Jirou.

"What?!" "A quirk assessment test? But orientation, we're going to miss it." You heard Uraraka cry out.

A quirk test? On the first day? Damn Ua is going fast with all this stuff, you thought.

"If you wanna make it to the big names, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies. Here at Ua we're not tethered to traditions." Mister Aizawa said, clearly bothered by Uraraka. "That means that I get to run this class however I see fit. You've been taking standardized tests most of your life. But you've never gotten to use your quirks in physical exams before."

You walked further until you stood in between Izuku and Katsuki. 
You could feel Katsuki glaring at you for standing next to him but you ignored him and focused on the teacher.

"Katsuki Bakugo." Aizawa said. "You managed to get the most points in the entrance exam."

Of course he had, you clicked your tongue. And that didn't go unnoticed by Katsuki as he smirked, leaning down to your ear before whispering.

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