Chapter ten

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This chapter is a little longer than usual so enjoy!

It was a week after the exam and Izuku was behaving strangely the whole time. You didn't blame him, after all he did get zero points and his chance of getting in was low.

Your family was sitting around the table to eat like you do every day.
Your plate was almost empty as for Izuku's he hadn't eaten a thing and was staring at his fish.

Your mother gulped trying to get his attention.

He didn't budge and kept staring at the fish, he was starting to look hypnotised by the fish.

You sighed, having enough of his behavior, you slapped the back of his head.

Izuku finally reacted and looked at you with a frown, rubbing the back of his head.

"Y/n, language!" Your mother shouted angrily. 

"My apologies, mother."

She shook her head before turning to Izuku. "Everything alright?"

Izuku furrowed his eyebrows at her question, rubbing his eyes. He was confused because he was overthinking too much and didn't even know what he was doing.

"You were smiling like a creep at that fish." You said, reminding him of what he did.

Izuku snapped his head to you, his mouth gaped open a little.

"I'm alright, sorry." He said after a minute of confusion.

It was sad to see him realizing that his hard work could be for nothing. Our fights could've been for nothing. But for some reason you knew he would get in.

"Your letters are coming today or tomorrow, right?" Your mother asked, knowing why both of you were acting a little on the weird side.

"Yess." You nodded.

You noticed Izuku didn't say a thing, stayed quiet and still wasn't eating a thing.

To be honest you didn't care that much about feelings and you weren't good at comforting people but you couldn't stand his behavior any longer.

"Don't look so sad, Izu. Maybe you get in!" You tried to cheer him up.

"That must be a wonder." He muttered.

"Wonders can always happen." You argued back. He was starting to get on your last nerve but you had one last plan to get his attention.

"I guess."

You sighed, standing up. You took a couple of steps away from the table towards the hall, ready to get your plan working.

"Looks like you are not cheering up anytime soon, maybe I need to go play All Might and the sleepless villain by myself." You said, acting disappointed. 

Izuku snapped his head up towards you and in a flash he stood up from his chair.
You smirked, knowing it was working.

"What?! No! You can't because then you are going to get more points than me!" He gasped, worried for his place in the game.

It was a game you and he played for years and this year was the first one he stood higher than you, meaning he would do anything to keep it that way.

You knew that mentioning that game would get him to do something other than drown in his sadness for once.

"Better be fast before I lock the door!" You shouted while running to his room.

Izuku was fast to run behind you, he wanted to use his quirk but he knew Inko would get mad if he did.

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