Chapter sixteen

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On your way to school you and Izuku got held back by a group of paparazzi that asked you questions about All Might. Izuku was frozen to the ground as he heard all the questions, he was too nervous to answer them which made you the only one that could answer them but you didn't. You hated the news and all of it's crew, you wanted to get them out of the way already so you weren't late for class.

"We won't answer your stupid questions." You snapped at one of the crew before taking Izuku's hand and pulling him with you to school.

"Annoying aren't they?" You asked your brother.

He simply nodded as a reply.

Walking into class you saw that most of the students were already there, meaning they had also pushed most of the paparazzi out of their way.

After ten minutes Aizawa walked in. "For today's basic hero training you will have three teachers. All Might, me and one other hero."

Shigaraki had not told you about Aizawa and one other hero joining, he only said All Might. Does he know that they would come too? You really hoped so because Shigaraki wasn't the most bubbly person when his plans failed. He would for sure kill some of the students if his plan would fail.

"Excuse me, what are we going to do?" Sero asked. And to be honest you were curious about it too, Shigaraki had only told you about the plan but not what you were going to do in the first place.

Mister Aizawa pulled a card out of his pocket. "Rescue."

The class began cheering and you turned to the side to talk with Sero but he wasn't the only one talking as Denki and Kirishima also turned towards you.

"Looks like it'll be a lot of work this time." Denki sighed. His quirk was electricity which wasn't good for rescue but was good for combat if he could get a hold on it.

Kirishima was grinning from ear to ear, punching his fist into the air. "Some real hero work. This is what separates the boys from the men!"

"I'm not done." Aizawa spoke in between us, making us stop talking.

"You can decide if you want to wear your hero costume or not this time. Keep in mind that they could limit your abilities."

"Sir, Where will this training take place?" You asked while taking your hero costume.

"The training will take place off-campus. Now start getting ready."

Everyone ran to the changing rooms to be as fast as possible back in front of the school.
You on the other hand took your time.

When you finally arrived at your other classmates in front of the school you heard someone shouting your name.

You looked around until you saw Mina running towards you. "Y/n!"

"Mina?" You questioned. This was the first time in this week that she had talked to you, you were surprised that she even knew your name.

"It's good to see that your hero costume wasn't torn apart like your brothers." She chuckled.

You scratched the back of your neck. "Yeah but Izuku wasn't careful with it, I was."

She nodded, looking around for a second. "So you wanna stand with the others?"

"Who are the others?" You asked, leaning a little closer while twisting your head to the side.

"Kirishima, Denki and Sero!" She smiled, pointing at the group. She sighed looking at who was standing besides Kirishima. "Oh and Bakugo apparently."

You gulped looking at the group. Your heart rate was going faster than when you were on a roller coaster. You never had any friends in middle school and now people were wanting to be your friend, it was something unfamiliar to you and it scared you a lot.

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