Chapter twenty two

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( I quickly wanted to say that I'm going to upload More this week than I usually do. I'm sorry for the confusion but after this week it will go back to 2 times a week. So you can expect chapter twenty three and twenty four to be uploaded this week!)

"Okay the deal is, I will give you enough points to get to the next round but I won't steal the points of my brother or Katsuki. Understand?" You explained for the second time to Shinso to be sure that he knew your rules.

The purple haired guy nodded his head in agreement. "Yes but who is your brother and that Katsuki guy?" He questioned.

"My brother is the plain looking one with green hair and Katsuki is the blonde angry boy who stood next to me in the classroom that day." You said while pointing to the people you meant.

Yes pointing is disrespectful, but how else would he be sure of who you meant?

"Oh alright." He nodded again.

"Is he your boyfriend?" He suddenly asked, making you laugh loudly.

"Hah! No!" You said in between laughs.

You wondered what it was with people and thinking there is something more between you and Katsuki. To you he was just a friend, wel enemy plus friend? You weren't sure how you felt about the whole situation, you only knew that you felt good around Katsuki and that was all that mattered now.

When you caught your breath you questioned him. "Why would you think that?"

"When you left he almost fought with me because I insulted you. He was shouting things like 'I will explode you into pieces for calling her that.' And 'If you ever say something like that again I will kill you.' If it wasn't for your other classmates I would've died that day."

So that was all the shouting you heard when you left that day.

You laughed again, you could imagine him doing that. Did this mean that he saw you as something like a friend too? Did he finally see you as more than just a weak extra?

You hoped that was true.

"That does sound like him but I guess he would do that for anyone who is his friend." You smiled at the boy who cocked up an eyebrow at you.


"Whatever, we need to focus on the game." You said, looking at the time and seeing you only had five minutes left.

Shinso nodded. "Yeah."

After trying for the seventh time you finally got a good grip while sitting in Shinso's neck with Ojiro on your left and the other one whose name you didn't know on your right. They were supporting you the best they could but you felt yourself being unstable when they started walking. You sighed and laid your hands on Shinso's head to keep yourself steady.

"Alright. everything good down there?" You asked, looking down at the only boy who could answer you.

"Yes." He responded and the alarm went off for everyone to begin.

"Let's do this!" You shouted, clapping your hands together.

"Alright we have a good amount of points but we will not be targeted as Izuku has the most points." You explained as you analyzed the other students' behavior.

Most of them were turned to Izuku's group meaning that they would attack Izuku.

That also meant that they wouldn't pay attention to others and that was your best shot to get as many points as you could without going noticed.

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