Chapter sixty one

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Your heart was beating harshly against your chest. Your eyes were stinging from all the tears you had shed, and your skin was itching to be broken underneath your nails.

With every breath you took, the cold air hit the back of your throat, telling you that you were still here, still alive. This wasn't a bad dream, this was reality.

The moment your hands hit the bright green grass, the ground began to shake.

You had imagined how powerful Shigaraki's quirk was but you had never expected it to be this powerful until the moment that it laid in your hands.

It spread insanely fast and before you even had the time to see how far it had gone, you heard screams from police officers who got caught by the quirk.

"Midoriya, stop!" You heard Aizawa shout but he was in no place to tell you what you had to do.

Some police officers thought they could escape by running to the left where the quirk wasn't in action, but you were too smart.

"you can't escape assholes!" You shouted, slamming your hands on the ground towards them.

None of them were going to make it out alive, you were going to make sure of that.

They treated you like a villain, a monster, something they had to get rid of instantly. So you only thought it would be fair to show them what they wanted.

A heartless monster,

A reckless villain.

They wanted you at your worst so you gave it to them.

The others had to watch while you killed every single police officer that was near you.

Izuku stood with an open mouth, not sure what to do and way too shocked to see his own sister go insane.

Aizawa had canceled your quirk a couple of times but Kurogiri brought Nomu's to fight him so he wouldn't come in between you and your fight.

Denki wasn't looking, he couldn't. He didn't want to think of you other than the sassy and funny girl he knew, he didn't want to see the villain everyone was so afraid of.

And Katsuki tried anything to stop you.

"Defect!" He shouted, jumping in front of you to stop you from whatever you were planning to do next.

You tried to walk past him but he held out his arm to block you.

"What are you doing?! Stop!" He hissed at you, a deep glare holding in his eyes.

Was it hatred that you saw?

You'd understand if it was but you wondered what he expected you would do after being betrayed like that.

"Don't tell me what to do, Katsuki. They deserve it." You argued back, determined to take revenge for Shigaraki.

Most people saw you as a villain, but the real villains were always there.

Nobody ever stood still to think of who would be the villain in your story, in Shigaraki's story?

They always saw a hero and a villain just like in children's movies, but never further than that.

The subject isn't that easy, there's more behind it, two sides to a story but people only listen to the side they want to hear or believe.

You were the villain in some people's stories and the heroes were the villains in yours.

Katsuki looked at you with wide eyes, not recognizing the girl that stood in front of him, scratching her neck like the villain he once had seen at the USJ.

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