Chapter forty seven

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I cried writing this chapter but I promise that the next chapters will be more calm and not so angsty anymore...

Katsuki Bakugo POV.

One month later...

After the heroes had taken you away, he and the others had ran away to escape the villains.

But they came to a stop at a big screen on the street. It was All Might fighting the villain but he revealed his real form and retired from being a hero after that.

Another thing he blamed himself for, All Might's retirement.

That night couldn't go any worse than it did.

Every night of that month he cried himself to sleep, wishing that you'd show up in front of his door.

But you never did.

At the moment he was sitting on his couch with his parents on both sides.
In front of him sat his two teachers, Aizawa and All Might.

"We've considered all the safety of the students and we would like to let them live in a dorm on campus." Aizawa said, trying to convince his mother but Katsuki knew that he didn't even need to try.

"Are you kidding? Hell yeah, put this kid in a dorm room!" His mother shouted with a smile while slapping the back of Katsuki's head.

"You hag! Hit me again and I'll kill you!" He shouted at his mother.

The past month he wasn't as violent as he was before, he lacked energy and he would rather stay in his room all day than do anything else.

"if you weren't so weak this wouldn't have happened!" His mother shouted back before sighing and turning to the teachers.

"It's his fault that Y/n got caught and it was probably his fault too that she turned into a villain. She was a good girl, she never-" His mother started to blame him as if he didn't do that enough himself already.

Words could not describe the hatred he felt against himself.

The hatred because of how he used to treat you back in middle school.

And for not keeping his promise to you.

"I know, okay?! I know it's fucking my fault that she joined them and that she isn't here now!" Katsuki shouted, not out of anger but out of guilt.

Shigaraki had told him one of the reasons why you joined them, and that reason was him.

He did this to you.

If he only told you sooner that he loved you, then maybe you would lay in his arms right now instead of being somewhere he doesn't know.

"Young Bakugo?" All Might said, worried for the mental health of his student.

"No she's right All Might." He spat, before taking a deep breath to relax himself. "Do you have any news about her?"

He didn't hear a thing about you anymore and it was driving him insane.

He missed you so much that he began to feel sick the first few days.

His nightmares didn't stop, no they even got worse.

Now he dreamed of you.

Sometimes it was how he was able to save you but then you died in his arms.

And the other time it was how the villains had won and he needed to fight you to save everyone else.

Every time he jumped up straight, out of breath and sweaty while tears streamed down his cheeks.

His mother had run into his room sometimes because he was screaming out your name while dreaming.

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