Chapter eight

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"I'm back!" You shouted as you entered your house.

Shigaraki had told you that the master was going to give you a quirk after you had a good rest because the quirk was going to take a lot of energy from you when you first get it.

So you went home.

"How was training camp?" Your mother asked, walking towards you. Her eyes were focused on a book she was reading.

"Good." You plainly answered.

Your mother looked up from her book with a smile but that smile disappeared immediately when her eyes landed on you.

"Oh my-" She was saying but was cut off by Izuku who came downstairs.

"What happened to your hair?" He asked, clearly as confused as your mother.

You tilted your head a little while furrowing your eyebrows.
"My hair?"

You didn't know what they were talking about. Nothing had happened to your hair while you were there.

You decided to look in the mirror that was in the kitchen. As you arrived at the mirror your eyes widened in shock.

Some of your hair locks were turned white from all the torture and trauma you had undergo in that month. It didn't look bad but it wasn't great either.

"I decided to color it." You shrugged your shoulders, acting as if nothing happened.

"It looks good." Izuku said.

Your mother nodded her head.
"Yeah, it looks great, honey."

You could tell they were both lying. They weren't good at lying as you were, you probably had that habit from your father.

"Okay. I'm going to my room, I can tell both of you are lying."

Izuku laid his hand on your shoulder, trying to hold his laugh.
"We are trying to be nice."

"I know." You smiled at him before turning around and going to your room.

The moment you had showered again for the first time in a month as you couldn't shower because they had held you in that dark room the whole time you felt your nerves wake up again. The hot water falling on your skin felt amazing but it also stung as you still had the burn mark on your side.

When you came out of the shower you looked in the mirror to the burn mark.
You weren't surprised to see in big letters the word LOV standing on your side.

The only thing you thought at that moment was 'how am I going to hide that from everyone?'

When you were fully done with everything you laid on your bed, staring into nothing.
To your side laid a box that was locked. In that box lay the letters from your father, you hide them because you didn't want Izuku to read them.

You remembered that dream of Izuku shouting at you that he read those letters.

You sighed, standing up to get the box. You opened the box with the key that hung on a necklace that laid behind your pillow.
The first letter in there was the one you took, it was an older one, one you had gotten when you were eight years old.

You hesitated for a second to open it but you did after all.

This letter was a little longer than the other ones.
He never wrote a lot in his letters but they were always special or with an important message.
You started reading it.

Dear sunshine,

I'm almost there. I almost know the secret of their power, why they are so strong and what happened to them.

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