Chapter forty three

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You stood in the forest with your gym clothes on, eye bags underneath your eyes from the lack of sleep you had.

Last night's lessons went on for hours and you barely slept.

Not only because you had extra lessons but also because you couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

It was like a gut feeling. You felt like something terrible was going to happen but you had no proof of that.

You tried shaking it off but it kept coming back.

Maybe it was a warning that the villains were planning something but they hadn't done anything for the past week and half, so why would they do it now?

It kept you up almost the whole night which led to only two hours of sleep.

When one of the cats woke everyone up by blasting music, you had pulled your pillow over your head to cover your ears in the hope that you could sleep some more.

But that wasn't the plan. They had poured water over you to wake you up and you couldn't do anything other than wake up at that moment.

And now you had zero energy to train.

"Hey. Keep at it." Aizawa said as he pulled Kirishima up with his scarf.

The rest of your group was tired too.

"Yes sir." Kirishima said.

"I'm sorry but I need more beauty rest." Mina groaned.

"Who knew that last night extra lessons would go on to two in the morning."

If you knew that you would lose so much sleep because you failed your exams you would've studied every day.

"I told you it would be tough. Remember you're not just improving your quirks, you're also working to overcome the many weaknesses I saw in the finals. Think carefully about why you're more tired than the others before you start whining. You have much to improve." Aizawa explained, making you all shiver.

You were skilled enough with your quirk, it was your knowledge that needed to improve.

But you didn't need to know a lot about hero stuff if you just would stay a villain.

Or maybe it was useful as you could use it against heroes.

Aizawa let go of Kirishima and turned to Uraraka and Aoyama.

"Uraraka, Aoyama. The same goes for you, your team didn't fail but you were very close, I'll say that you past the finish line by only a hair."

Aizawa started giving some inspirational talk which you weren't interested in.

"I don't have time for an inspirational speech." You sighed as you walked to the spot where you trained yesterday.

It was an open field that laid a little further from Katsuki's spot.

He was already busy with making explosions that were loud as fuck.

You kinda liked standing closer to him but you also wanted to stand as far away from him as you could so you would go deaf by his quirk.

Suddenly Pixie-Bob began to squeal out of happiness, grabbing everyone's attention.

"More importantly, tonights going to be fun! We're putting classes against each other in a test of courage. I know you've been training hard today and later you get to play hard! How's that for a reward?!"

A game? That was the last thing you needed, if they would really want to give you guys a reward, they could've given more rest or something that doesn't feel like training.

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