Chapter nineteen

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Even after all those years Katsuki's blasts still hurt like a bitch.

You had hoped that you were already used to it but after rolling into UA Katsuki had gotten stronger and his blasts were more powerful.

But now you also had a quirk and could use it to hurt him and avoid his blasts, the only problem was you weren't completely comfortable with using your quirk.

You didn't exactly know what it could do but you weren't the one to back away from a challenge and surely not the one to be scared of something.

Still, you didn't see his blast coming.

"Shit." You cursed underneath your breath as a huge blast made contact with the left side of your stomach.

"Pay attention, dumbass. I want you to give me your all!" Katsuki shouted as he send another blast your way but you dodged it just in time.

"I'm trying." You groaned.

"Yes but not hard enough!" He took a couple of steps away from you. "Come at me again."

Today you and Katsuki were training like he wanted. The two of you were training in a park where nobody ever comes, it was the place you used to go to when you two were children.

It was your two's secret place back than.

You ran towards him, using your telekinesis to pull him towards your punch but he moved his head the moment you were going to hit him.

"I'm starting to predict your moves. That means you're slow." He said, pushing you to the ground.

You narrowed your eyes at him, jumping back up.

"Fuck off. I'm new to this stuff. Nobody ever trained with me except for-" You cut yourself off as you were almost going to say Shigaraki's name.

"For?" Katsuki questioned.


He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Another weakling. Of course you aren't giving it your all, you don't even know what your all is."

He punched you in the guts, leaving you out of breath.

You were gasping for air and when you recovered from the punch which didn't take long you kicked his arm but he took your leg and swung you over, pinning you on the ground.

He laid one of his knees on your leg and the other one on your hip with pressure to keep you in place while he was holding your hands above your head with one hand.

With his other hand he pushed your hair behind your ear before leaning down and whispering,
"I'll teach you something."

You cocked up an eyebrow. "How? You don't have my quirk and if even I don't really know how it works, what are you going to do?"

He let go of you and gave you some space to stand up. "Teach you a new techniek. I'm not stupid, I know for most part how your quirk works."

You stood up, swiping your hands over your clothes to get the dust off it.

Before you could protest again Katsuki spoke up. "Use your telekinesis to pull me towards you."

"Alright." You took a deep breath, stretching your arm out towards him and focussing on your telekinesis.

After training so long with Shigaraki to control your quirk it was quite easy to use it.

Katsuki came slowly towards you as you didn't use force for it.

"Now glitch through me while still using your telekinesis on me." He demanded.

"I-I don't know if I can." You stuttered out. You wanted to slap yourself for stuttering but you couldn't control it.

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