Chapter forty four

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"Aaah! That's so cute!" Mina shouted, clapping in her hands as she saw the two of you walking towards them, hand in hand.

Your face was heating up in embarrassment while Katsuki's was getting red of both embarrassment and anger.

"I knew it!" Sero shouted with a smile, happy for you that you finally got your feelings right.

"Congratulations bro." Kirishima smiled at Katsuki who just frowned at him.

On the side you saw Izuku giving you a small smile but when his eyes shifted to Katsuki he started to glare again.

"Oi! Stop acting as if this is any of your business!" Katsuki shouted, releasing your hand to walk towards the group of friends.

"But no seriously. Why are you the first to get into a relationship? You're literally an explosive person with a shitty personality." Denki sighed in disappointment that he didn't have a girlfriend.

He had been trying all semester but sadly, he had no luck getting one.

"Hey! Don't say that!" You shouted at Denki, your eyebrows furrowed and your jaw clenched before a playful smile appeared on your face. "Only I can say that."

Katsuki was smirking because you were standing up for him again but after you said your last sentence his smirk disappeared into a frown.

"What?! You have to stand on my side!" He snapped at you.

"I stand on my own side." You said, folding your arms over each other.

"Fuck you."

"Love you too, barbie." You smiled, making him smile back at you.

Both of you knew that all the mean things you said to each other were only to piss each other off in a playful way.

You matched each other's energy in that and you loved it. To find someone that matched your vibes that good was difficult but you had found the one.

"Perfect. We've filled our belly and cleaned the dishes. Now it's time for-" Pixie-Bob said but was cut off by Mina.

"A totally awesome test of courage!"

"We're going to win!" Your group that failed the exam shouted.

"Not so fast." Aizawa said, holding you all in his scarf. "It pains me to say it but the group that failed will have extra lessons with me tonight."

You had to see this coming. Aizawa wasn't one to let students go off easy when they failed at something.

The moment you had heard that you'd get a reward, you should've known that you weren't included in that.

"You've gotta be kidding me?!" Mina shouted, her eyes widened.

"Sorry but your training from today didn't impress me so I will be taking this time."

"Give me a break, I just wanna prove my courage." Kirishima and Sero sighed.

Most of them were excited for the game and really wanted to have some play time but that wasn't the plan.

It was sad to see for the others who were going to get the reward.

You saw Katsuki give you an empathetic smile but you knew that deep down he wanted to laugh at you for getting more lessons.

"Let's go, guys." Aizawa said as he pulled all of you with him.

All of you looked like dogs as you were trapped in his scarf while he pulled you with him.

"Mister Aizawa?"

"My training did impress you, right? Why am I here?"

"Because you were the only one that failed the written exam so you for sure need extra lessons."

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