Chapter thirty four

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"Why won't you talk about your work study?" Izuku asked as you two were walking to school.

Yesterday you had stayed a night at the league because you didn't want your mother to ask you questions on why you came back a day earlier.

You had told Shigaraki almost everything that happened except for the parts with Katsuki.

You hadn't told him that Katsuki was with you on this hero work study and that you two danced and kissed.

If Shigaraki would hear about that there's no doubt about it,

He would kill Katsuki without a second thought.

Because one of the rules was: Don't fall in love.

You stopped at the door from your classroom.

"Because it was a waste of my time. Now, we need to get in class or do you wanna stand here the whole time?" You finally answered.

He gulped and nodded his head.

The whole morning you had been acting annoyed and mean towards everyone.

That simply was because of all the things that had happened but they didn't know that.

You opened the door to be met with Kirishima and Sero that stood in front of it, laughing at Katsuki's hair.

"Haha! Holy crap, what the heck Bakugo!" They shouted. "What happened to your hair?"

Izuku tried pushing past them but flinched back when he heard Katsuki's voice.

"Stop laughing. I told you, I can't get it back to normal!" Katsuki shouted, his hands forming a fist as they were clenching to his backpack.

The two boys kept on laughing, ignoring him completely.

"Don't you hear me? I'll kill you both."

"I like to see you try, pretty boy." Sero laughed.

You were having enough of this. You didn't come to school to see Katsuki being himself and acting as if nothing had happened while you were tired from the sleepless nights because you were overthinking everything.

"Sero, Kirishima. You are blocking the way." You said, catching the three boys' attention.

They were surprised to see you standing behind them but that wasn't the most surprising thing.

It was how you looked.

Eye Bags underneath your eyes while they looked red from the lack of sleep.
Your lip was a little bruised from the training you did with Shigaraki after you came back.

"Can you move, please?" You asked.

The two boys knew there was something wrong and especially after you asked them to move.

You would normally push them to the side or rudely tell them to move but now you were asked in a polite way.

"Y-yes." Kirishima stuttered out of shock but moved to the side.

You gave them a small thank you before walking to your seat.

Katsuki didn't care. You had thought maybe he would show some empathy when he saw you like that but he didn't.

His eyes had only looked at you for a second before turning away again.

You laid your head down on your desk, hoping to get a little bit of sleep before class started.

After a while, you started drifting off to sleep but that didn't last long as Iida suddenly began to shout.

"It's time for class to begin!"

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