Chapter forty

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"Y/n! What the hell happened?!"

That voice...

Your heart stopped for a moment.

You were covered in blood with a huge wound on your shoulder, and now you had to see someone that you knew?

Why were you never lucky?

You slowly turned around to face the person who called out for you.

It seemed like time had slowed down, the tension in the air making it harder to breathe.

It was dark and there were no cars on the street, only you and him.

Your small footsteps were the only sound in the whole street.

When you were fully turned around you saw how much closer he actually stood.

You thought that he was at least a couple of meters further from you but he stood only a meter away from you.

Staring at you with confused eyes, not looking very shocked to see you like this.

After all, he always looked bored.

"Mister Aizawa?" You gulped, standing face to face with your teacher.

Your heart was beating way too fast and your lack of blood couldn't keep up with it.

Your vision began to blur and your legs were giving up.

Before you could even notice what was going on your body fell limp to the ground and your eyes closed.

You were still half conscious, meaning you could still hear what was happening but you had no energy to move.

Your mind was slowly giving up on you and wanting you to sleep.

You heard Aizawa take his phone and call a number.

"Yes, I need an ambulance right now!" You heard him shout and the rest of the call was muffled to your ears.

Suddenly a warm hand laid on your forehead.

"Stay with me, Y/n. You're going to be fine." You heard him say before your mind gave up and you were fully unconscious.


The sound of a heart rating machine, that was all you heard when you woke up.

Your eyes slowly opened, the bright light blinding you for a minute.

You felt a needle sticking in your arm, which was for giving you more blood as you lost a lot of it.

You groaned, wanting to sit up while forgetting that your shoulder was hurt.

Because of your movements Aizawa knew that you were awake.

The man had stayed by your hospital bed the whole night, not leaving until you would wake up.

"Good morning, how are you feeling?" He asked you, his voice sounded rough and low because it was morning.

Your eyes drifted to him. You weren't expecting to see him, you thought that he had already left.

"Better." You muttered.

Your hand slowly moved up to your shoulder, carefully running your finger over the now almost healed wound.

They probably had someone like recovery girl in this hospital to heal your wound this fast.

Even so, it was going to be a scar.

A scar in the form of Shigaraki's hand.

You would forever be remembered about him and the league and all the things you did with them, but also all the bad things they did.

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