Chapter fifty five

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Quick note before the chapter begins...

Normally I post on sunday but I had some time so Yeah. :)

The next chapter will be up on sunday, it will be a happy chapter I promise!
The next day...

You and Katsuki had stayed up until two in the night, both not wanting to end the amazing day you had.

You ended up making out and watching movies, nothing more.

The first pieces of sunlight peeked through your curtains as your alarm went off.

You groaned, remembering that you had to go back to school today and that days like yesterday weren't something that would happen often.

You opened one eye as you laid on your side with Katsuki spooning you from behind, his warmth comforting your body.

You picked up your phone to look at the time but what you saw made your eyes go wide open.

One message from Crusty brother.

Crusty brother 🖤
- Wake up! Kurogiri is bringing you to the base. We need to talk about your plans...

"Fuck!" You shouted, pushing Katsuki away from you which woke him up immediately.

You jumped out of bed, your heart beating fast as you tried to find clothes to put on.

"What's wrong?!" Katsuki muttered, still half asleep.

"Shigaraki somehow knows about my plans!" You said, stumbling a bit forward as you were pulling on a pair of jeans.

You were getting sweaty but you had no time to shower because Shigaraki didn't like waiting.

"Really? You're not joking?" Katsuki asked, sitting up straight while looking at you with  sleepy eyes.

"Does it look like I'm joking?" You snapped back, glaring at the half sleeping boy.

Damn, you wished you could sleep a bit longer but when you saw that message all desire to sleep had left your body and you were wide awake.

"Ah shit." Katsuki cussed with a sigh. "And what now?"

"He wants to talk with me so you have to go." You explained.

You grabbed your favorite hoodie and pulled it over your head before grabbing your shoes, running to your bed to put them on.

You gave Katsuki a little push as he was still sitting on your bed.

"Alright alright. I'm going." He said, putting his hands up in the air in a defensive way.

He took everything he needed for today before walking to the door.

You opened the door for him but before he would walk out, he turned around towards you with a smile.

"See you later." He said, pursing his lips for a kiss.

"Yes. Bye." You quickly said, giving him a small peck on the lips.

You took your phone off the bed and sent a quick message to Aizawa to tell him that you were going to the league for something important.

After that you messaged Shigaraki that you were ready to talk.

Not a minute later a purple portal appeared in front of you.

You gulped, hoping it would make all the stress disappear but it wasn't something magical like that.

You had to face Shigaraki and try to convince him into leaving Afo and joining you in this battle.

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