Chapter forty one

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The bus drive was long, way too long.
Not having something other to do than to listen to music made you sleepy.

Somewhere in the middle of the drive your eyes slowly closed as you leaned more loosely in your chair.

With a deep sigh you let sleep take over.

While you were sleeping, your head fell on Katsuki's shoulder.

However, he didn't mind.

He was shocked for a moment to feel your head on him but when he saw that you were sleeping he leaned his head onto yours and closed his eyes, hoping that nobody would see it.

That was not the case.

After a while, Mina began squealing very loud, making all the others look at her.

"They look so cute! I'm going to take a picture!" She shouted, taking her phone out of her pocket and making pictures of you.

Everyone looked at how the two of you were sleeping. Some gasped and squealed out of cuteness while others were talking about how they knew this would happen.

Izuku on the other hand was glaring at Katsuki, not completely fond of the fact that you were with him in a relationship.

All the talking and squealing made Katsuki wake up.

His eyes opened and the first thing he saw was a phone right in his face.

"What the fuck?!" He shouted, suddenly being wide awake. "Get that phone out of my face!"

His shouting made you wake up slowly because you didn't want to wake up.

"Hey, sleepy head. We need to get off the bus." Katsuki said when the bus stopped driving.

You yawned, stretching out your arms before rubbing in your eyes.

"Where are we?" You said as you looked out of the window.

He shrugged, not really knowing where you were either. "Somewhere on a mountain."

"Weird." You muttered, stepping out of the bus.

Your breath hitched as the cold air hit your skin after sitting in a warm bus for hours.

Your nose tingled when you took a deep breath of fresh air.

The bus had stopped somewhere on top of a mountain. The view was amazing.
If it would've been dark with a sky filled with stars you wouldn't mind staying here.

"Y/n!" You heard Mina call out for you.

You turned around to where her voice came from. She was running towards you with a big smile and her phone in her hand.

"You two were so cute, I took a picture." She said, showing you the picture she had taken.

It was you and Katsuki sleeping, your head on his shoulder and his head on yours.
Both of you had a small smile, showing how comfortable and happy you were with each other.

"What?! Delete that right now!" Katsuki screamed from next to you.

Mina pulled her phone away just in time before Katsuki could grab it.

You shook your head at the fighting duo while laughing softly.

"But first send it to me." You whispered to Mina.

She smirked before whispering back. "I will."

Your smile increased. This was the first photo you had with Katsuki where you aren't little kids anymore.

"Don't whisper about me, you two!" Katsuki shouted.

"It wasn't even about you!" You and Mina shouted back in sync.

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