Chapter thirty one

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Katsuki Bakugo POV.

Where were you two?"

The question lingered in the air as the tension got heavier with every second that went by.

He was still glaring at the boy who simply gave him a glare back.

The first moment Katsuki saw the dude he already could tell that there was something wrong with him, his smile didn't match his vibes.

He wanted to stop you when you followed Akira but he couldn't, knowing that it was Best Jeanist sidekick.

"Katsuki, what are you doing here all alone? Shouldn't you be training?" You asked, your voice sounding innocent.

His eyes moved away from the boy to you. You were avoiding the question. Why were you avoiding the question? Katsuki couldn't help but think something must have happened.

But he knew you wouldn't catch feelings for someone you just met, especially since he never saw you have romantic feelings for anyone before.

"Answer my fucking question." He spat through gritted teeth.

"Woah, dude. Calm down." Akira said, placing a hand on his shoulder. You looked with wide eyes at the hand on Katsuki's shoulder, knowing that the boy had fucked up.

"We just went-" Akira wanted to say but was cut off by Katsuki pushing his hand roughly off him. "Don't touch me."

"Katsuki, we just went for a drink." You said, knowing if you wouldn't get Katsuki's attention this wouldn't end well.

"So a date?" He asked.

His heart was beating faster as fear and anger was overpowering his emotions. He never felt it this much before, not even with Sero or Shinso. This was different. Maybe it was because this was someone he didn't know on a personal matter. This was someone new.

He didn't know how the boy was. He had a bad feeling about him but that was just a feeling, at the end of the day that feeling couldn't tell him how the boy really was.

"No, as euhm-" You were saying but stopped as you didn't know what to call you two. You weren't the one to call someone a friend that easily but you couldn't say strangers too.

"Friends." Akira answered, helping you out with your problem.

You may have said as friends but that wasn't how it looked.

Katsuki couldn't help but think what if he was too late? What if you find someone better.
You hated him for such a long time and he always treated you badly, if you were to find someone better he wouldn't even be surprised. Still, it would hurt.

You both made up for the things that happened and you grew closer to each other, everyday. However that didn't mean he could take it further than that, he didn't know how you felt.

He clicked his tongue. "Tch. You couldn't even finish your own sentence."

"That doesn't mean anything." You said, furrowing your eyebrows.

He felt powerless against this overwhelming feeling of jealousy.

But he couldn't show that.

"Whatever. Why did I even bother asking? You do what you want and with who you want. I hope you enjoy it." He spat.

He watched your face go from confusion to anger in only a second. However that anger didn't stay for long as you suddenly laughed and smirked at him.

"You know what?" You said, your voice sounding low and threatening as you walked closer to him.

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