Chapter thirty seven

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(Warning!! Shigaraki's past manga spoilers in this author note!!)

In chapter thirty six y/n and Shigaraki go to a animal shelter as you have read... someone told me it looked like Y/n didn't care of Shigaraki's trauma. I just wanted to say that it isn't true. That was not how I meant the chapter to be seen as (Sorry if that didn't make sense but I hope you understand what I mean)
Shigaraki is over his past and that's also mentioned in the manga. The dog has meaning for the story later on.

I'm extremely sorry if I made any of you uncomfortable with that. I didn't mean to! I hope ya'll can forgive me for that! <3

Now onto the chapter!

Shota Aizawa POV.

"So what did we find out about Y/n?" Nezu asked.

Here he was again, lost one hour of sleep and missed his morning coffee.

This was the fourth meeting they had since they found out that you were the traitor.

Every little clue someone had on you was put into a meeting.

All because they wanted to save you.

But Aizawa saw right through it, he knew that Nezu and most of the other heroes only wanted to save you so they could turn you into a spy for them.

"In the exam there was a moment where she reminded me of afo." All Might said.

That caught Aizawa's attention.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that it wasn't her. I punched her to get her away from me but she stayed in the exact same place as if nothing happened. After that she spoke to me and she reminded me too much of him." He explained.

You hadn't moved an inch even when All Might punched you? It did sound very odd for that to happen.

"If that's true, we should be concerned." Nezu spoke up again, writing all the things down in his notebook.

"But what does it matter?" Present Mic asked.

"It matters because that means she could be manipulated into joining the league without her even knowing that. Plus he can use her for the missions he wants and if it goes further..." All Might trailed off, scared to finish his sentence.

This made Aizawa even more worried.

You could've easily been manipulated into joining them. He also had seen the weird behavior in the sports festival, you were doing things that you never would do.

"What happens than?" He asked, his voice sounding a little more shaky.

All might locked eyes with Aizawa and gulped.

"He would be able to take full control over her and we won't ever get her back."


Y/n Midoriya POV.
The same morning.

"Where are they?!" You shouted out in frustration as you searched for your swimsuit.

Mina had called you yesterday to ask if you wanted to join them to the pool today.

Apparently you already had left when they planned it.

You were too tired to search for your swimsuit that night but you knew that was going to be a mistake.

And it was. Because now you were already an hour on the search for your swimsuit and you were almost ten minutes too late to the pool.

"Woah. Why are you in such a rush?" Izuku asked as he stood in your doorway.

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