Chapter One: To Be Violated - NSFW

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A/N: I literally have no excuse for this other than: Tall, Sexy, Dom Vampire Lady go Brrrr in my head all day at work and my bottom, bisexual ass has no choice but to write this out.😅 I've never played this game before, don't even REALLY know what it's about, but what I DO know is that Alcina is Hot AF and I want her to step on me please.

Also, I've NEVER written a Reader-Insert fic before either, so go easy on me please.

Anyways, this is dedicated to the lovely @dontstraytoofar & @1Maladapteddaydreamer on AO3, who both have amazing, wonderful Alcina/Fem!Reader stories that were the first ones I read when I started. Thank you for all of your hard work and beautiful stories guys, they made my entire day a million times better! 🥰

I hope that all of you (ADULTS 18+ SINCE THIS FIC IS EXPLICIT) enjoy this too and feel free to leave a prompt you want me to write, I'd love to hear from ya'll! 👀💜


Disclaimer: I do not own Resident Evil or any associated materials.




"The market really isn't that far away," You tell your scowling wife, watching as her ruby-red lips tighten in obvious displeasure. "I'll be fine going alone just this once, M'Lady."

Still, Alcina just holds you even tighter, leaning down to press a searing, possessive kiss against your lips and you try to stifle a moan, resting your hands against Alcina's broad shoulders. Finally, she pulls back, cupping your now red-tinged cheek in one of her large, warm hands.

The muted light in the library dances across her pale face, deepening her frown.

"It just still doesn't feel right, darling." She sighs, her golden eyes alight in worry and a sort of nervousness that you're not used to seeing, at least not from her. "I could go with you—"

You shake your head, squirming slightly in her lap and her arms tighten around your waist. "You have a meeting to go to and I know you can't miss it."

"One of the girls—?"

"Out hunting." You reminded her, watching as her beautiful eyes narrowed. "Come on, Alcina, it'll only take an hour, 2 at most."

You glance up at her through your lashes, making sure to keep your eyes as wide and innocent as possible, tilting your neck slightly so that her mark is barely visible above the collar of your shirt. Alcina sucks in a sharp breath at the sight, this time shifting in her own seat and you grab again at her shoulders.

"No one will dare touch me." You say, raising your chin. Her hands grip you tighter at the words, her perfect lips curling in a snarl at even the mere thought and you shiver. "Not when you have claimed me so."

You do moan into the kiss this time, tilting your head even more to the side as her mouth trails down, leaving hot kisses in its wake. Finally, she makes it to where her mark still sits, lining her fangs up with the slightly faded scars and bites .

"Oh," You gasp, arching into her touch and she chuckles, the sound vibrating against your neck.

Swiping her tongue across the small droplets of blood that well up, she finally sits back again, cupping your face in both of her hands. Her nostrils flare, gold eyes searching yours.

"I will allow it." She finally says and you grin, still slightly dazed. Her next words, however, cause your smile to falter slightly, a pout replacing it. "But just know this, sweetling, that if you take any longer than an hour, I'm making Bela go with you next time, no matter how much you both whine about it."

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