Chapter Sixty Five: To Be Drowning

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SUMMARY: Prompt by the lovely @Zombie1999: Could you do one where the maiden is overworked and is tired so she goes to take a relaxing bath but ends up falling asleep and nearly drowns. Luckily Alcina or the daughter find you in time to perform cpr.


A/N: Hi guys, happy Monday! 🥰 This past week has honestly been HELLISH for me - so many things happened and I'm just so glad it's starting to clear up a little. Anyways, please enjoy this chapter and the spicer part 2 of it will be posted next week 👀 Thank you for your continued love and support! 💖💖💖

TRIGGER WARNING: drowning, semi-nsfw elements toward the end


Taking a bubble bath when you're absolutely exhausted sounds like a great idea before you're literally falling asleep in the tub.

The suds are warm and floaty around you, the water a little below your chin and you sink deeper into it, heaving a sigh as the steam alleviates at least a bit of your sinus pressure, like Alcina had suggested. Reaching up, the water sloshing down your arm, you rub at your temples, grimacing at the way they pound.

It's finally nearing springtime again around the Dimitrescu castle and despite how absolutely beautiful all of the newly budding flowers and fresh green grass looks in the golden sunlight, your allergies do not agree. You've been sneezing, your nose so clogged that Alcina had tutted when you awoke at her side this morning, her ruby lips soft against your cheek.

"You sound congested again, draga." Breathing in your scent, her nostrils flaring, she hums as she finds no traces of other illnesses.

"Yeah." You nod, sniffling and rubbing at your eyes. Sitting up in bed, you sigh softly in disappointment when you realize your wife's already dressed for the day, her golden eyes glistening beneath her hat's wide rim. Leaning into her gloved palm as she caresses your cheek, your own eyes flutter shut. "The flowers hate me, M'Lady. Go slice them all to ribbons."

"Such a dramatic little dove." Leaning down, Alcina kisses your cheek. "I have to go make a few phone calls to some investors before noon, but I shall be back by your side at lunch."

"Ugh." Groaning, you nod and flop back against the pillows once more, your face screwing up as you sneeze. Turning to the side, you sneeze again into your elbow, trying your hardest to not get snot on Alcina's side of the bed. Finch, his little tail curled across his legs, doesn't even stir from his place draped over your ankles, his ear twitching as you sneeze for a third time, groaning again "Gross."

Handing you a tissue, your Lady clicks her tongue, running her long fingers down your cheeks and jawline, cradling your neck. Her eyes narrowed in concentration, she feels along your lymph nodes, satisfied when there's no signs of swelling or tenderness. Shaking her head in playful astonishment when you continue to whine and blink up at her with water eyes, she brushes her knuckles across your cheek, the leather of her gloves soft and warm.

"Get some rest today, beloved. Make sure to eat some breakfast, I'll instruct a maid to bring you a plate of fruits and toast. Eat and perhaps take a bath. The warm water might alleviate some of the congestion."

Nodding and leaning up to accept your wife's offered kiss, you had watched her walk out of the room before your eyes slipped shut again, not even having the energy to oggle her ass as she ducked through the doorway. Finch sturs a bit as you have curled up on your side again, falling into a doze that's broken only by the bell outside your bedchambers door chiming.

One of the maids leaves the requested plate of breakfast at your bedside with a small, respectful curtsy before you're alone again aside from your cat.

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