Chapter Eleven: To Be Clumsy

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy this chapter and thank you so fucking much for all of the support and love you've shown both me and this story, it means more to me than I can even express! 🥰


To be fair, you didn't mean for the ladder to fall.

You're in the library, curled up on the couch near the back wall, across from the roaring fireplace. An open book is in your lap, one that you'd been meaning to start reading for the last few weeks but just honestly couldn't find the energy. It was one Bela had recommended and despite how much you loved the girl, her choice in literature just wasn't something you two share.

There were only so many times you could try to read Titus Andronicus before it just became a little too much for your taste.

You finally sigh, closing your book with a snap and setting it on the little table to your left. Twiddling your thumbs, you contemplate going to find your wife. She had left a little while ago, pressing a soft kiss against your cheek before making her way up to your shared bedchambers.

"I've got to take a call, darling." She'd explained when you had reached out, grabbing at her hand. "I will be back as quickly as I can."

Despite the annoyance your felt at stupid Mother Miranda for taking your Lady away from you, you understood that Alcina must answer to her, no matter how comfortable her Maiden was on her lap.

Heaving another harsher sigh, you stretch as you stand, your joints cracking and you rub at your face, glancing around the empty library.

It's still raining, the heaviest part of the storm having passed through during the mid-afternoon, but it was still much too harsh for you to even think about going for any sort of walk, even around the courtyard.

"Hmm," You think, your eyes dancing from the flickering of the fireplace, all the way up, where the tallest bookshelf stands against the far wall. The oldest books in the castle are kept up there, probably layered with dust and grime but the mystery was just too enticing for you to pass up.

"Guess I know what I'm doing now--"

Scooting around the coffee table, you bite your bottom lip, narrowing your eyes as you look for some way to get to the very top of the shelf. It has to be at least 20-feet in the air, maybe even more and you know for a fact that you can't jump that high.

Finally, you spot a ladder tucked in the corner of another, smaller bookshelf and you carefully lug it over.


You grunt as you finally lean it against the shelf, taking a second to double - and then triple - check that it's stable, before starting up it. You're about half-way before you glance around, eyes widening when you realize just how fucking high up you are and you have to pause for a second to gather a breath.

"Come on." You whisper, gripping the worn-down wood so hard that your knuckles turn white. "Come on, almost there."

Finally, after what feels like a million years, you make it to the top. You don't look down this time, however, instead just grits your teeth, peering at the novels arranged in-front of you.

"Damn, these are really old." You cough as you reach out, rubbing the thick layer of dust from the spines of the books just in your reach, eyes scanning the titles. Nothing particularly interesting catches your eye from this section and you sigh, glancing over toward the other side of the shelf. "Maybe over there?"

A few maneuvers - and about 4 mini-heart attacks later - you manage to slide the ladder over to the other side of the bookshelf, laughing in a sort of giddy excitement-fear that causes your hands to shake. As you lean in closer to the books, one on the very end catches your attention.

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