Chapter Forty One: To Be Taught - NSFW

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A/N: Hi ya'll, it's been a little while 😅 I'm not dead and honestly, I haven't been feeling too bad either or anything, just got super busy with work and life in general haha I haven't had too much time to write lately. Also, I know it's not a Monday but I had a burst of inspiration tonight and thought "fuck it" lmao so here's an unplanned Chapter 41 💖🥰

No one requested this btw, I just had a little idea and wanted to see what I could do with it! I AM still working on everyone's prompts, slowly but surely, they ARE getting done ASAP, I haven't forgotten, I promise! 😂

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and thank you SO MUCH for sticking with me, as always and for all of the love and support you guys have shown me throughout this story, it literally means even more to me than words can say and I'm forever grateful to all of you! 💖🥰😭 I'm going to work on replying to all of your comments from last chapter over the next few days, btw, like I said before, life's been a little crazy haha



"Do you think you can teach me, M'Lady?"

Pausing with her long fingers hovering above the keys, your wife glances between your blushing face and the piano, her ruby smile budding like a rose in spring. It's a Friday evening, on the brim of full nighttime and the castle air is fresh with the autumn air, the golden candles around you both casting Alcina's sharp jaw in curving shadows.

Finishing the little piece with a flourish, your wife fully faces you, reaching out. Without hesitation, you scoot closer as well, meeting in the middle and her lips against your own are as soft and warm as ever and you feel your own chest expand. Gently pulling you into her lap, Alcina kisses down your cheeks once you pull back, speaking against your skin.

"What's the sudden curiosity from, hm?" Her smooth voice rumbles underneath you and you can't stop yourself from shivering. You can feel as her teasing smile grows. "Getting bold now that the girl's aren't around, darling?"

"At least I know they aren't here to laugh at me when I completely fail." You laugh, obediently tilting your head to the side when Alcina noses at your jaw, curling tighter in her lap when her fangs barely graze your mark. "Can you — oh — can you seriously teach me, though? Please? I've— It's been something I've wanted to do forever, learn an instrument."

"Of course, sweetheart." With a final, slow kiss against your pulse, Alcina leans back, her free hand curling around your waist while her other settles in-front of the two of you, her palm upwards. "Give me your hand please."

Obeying, you do your best to line your wife's long fingers with your own, a hitch catching your breath when her hand carefully flips yours over with ease, her palm as warm and sweet against your own as ever. Settling backwards, you rest your head against her chest, listening vaguely to the faint thump of her heart.

"Alright, beloved." Moving your conjoined hands as she speaks, Alcina lightly rests your fingers along the keys, the wood cool and smooth. "Where we're at is what's known as Middle C . Before starting any sort of piece, it's always a good idea to find it, so you have a base."

"Do you think, I mean, uh, can we maybe label it, M'Love? For later—" It feels silly to ask and your ears burn but Alcina merely nods, pressing a kiss against your forehead. "We don't have to if it'll mess up the keys or anything, though."

"It's fine, it's actually a wonderful idea, dove." Alcina nods again, this time more to herself and you can practically feel the gears turning in her beautiful mind. "Remind me when we're finished, yes? I'll see if Daniella still has any of those pens—"

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now