Chapter Twenty Five: To Be Angry

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A/N: This, to me personally, isn't the best thing that I've ever written but I hope you all enjoy it just the same! 😅💖 Thank you so much for all of your continued love and support and well-wishes, it means so much to me! I love you guys! 🥰

**TRIGGER WARNING for mentions of past domestic abuse and current self-deprecating thoughts and actions**


You weren't used to feeling angry at Alcina. The anger at yourself, however, is a constant that you wish would leave you to rest.

Even still, you grit your teeth, practically sprinting your way out of your shared bedchambers toward the castle's library, eyes filled with tears. Your wife's words echoed through your skull, battering against your brain like a swarm of angry wasps and each sting of them caused you to tense.

Your own words hammer even harder, spikes of pain that blaze through, zipping down your spine.

"My leg feels fine!" You'd argued, stepping out of Alcina's gentle hold and making your way toward the door. You feel her gaze blazing against your back, her perfect lips pulled down in displeasure. "I can go for a walk alone, M'Lady, just around the grounds--"

"That's not the point," Alcina said, stepping in your path and you barely stopped fast enough to keep from bumping into her legs. With a low rumble, your wife reached for you again, settling a hand against your shoulder. "Listen to me, dearest--"

"That's all I ever do," The words explode from you, tumbling from your lips and you're helpless to stop them. "You've followed me around for weeks, barely letting me even fucking walk on my own--"

"You were hurt!"

"Well, I'm okay now--"

"You'd almost died--"

"But I didn't!" Your frustration rises, the blood roaring in your ears. You clench your fists, knuckles a burning white. "I didn't die, I'm not fucking dead and everything's fine! Can't you just let me go do something alone for once?!"

"The last time you were alone, you got attacked."

The hand against your shoulder tightens and Alcina snarls. Her words are spit out, flaming in a protective rage that would normally have you swooning. Now, however, all it does is cause you to grit your teeth. "I cannot risk that happening again, not when I'm around--"

"I can take care of myself--" You say, blinking away stinging, frustrated tears as they gather. "What are you going to do, Alcina? Keep me locked up, swaddled in blankets every time I have to go down to the kitchen for dinner?"

"Of course not!" Alcina, herself, grits her teeth, her sharp jaw tight. "I just think it would be wise of you to stay close. Your leg, yes it's mostly healed, but you limp, you're slower than normal. I can see the way you startle from the shadows, darling."

"So I'm weak?" You know that's not what your Lady's saying, not at all, but you feel the words sink into your skin, wounds in all but blood. You do sob this time, taking a stumbling step back until you're just out of reach of your wife's hold. "Just a weak little thing too fragile to even go on a fucking walk without her wife having to hold her hand like a toddler--?"

"You are not weak--" Alcina reaches down, cupping your chin in both of her hands. Her thumbs smooth over your cheekbones, brushing away the tears now falling. "You are anything but weak, dove."

"I am." The words are bitter on your tongue, fueling the flames of your angst. "I am."


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