Chapter Forty Two: To Be Freezing

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A/N: Hi guys, I'm sorry for the little-longer-than-expected wait for this chapter, I got another job (WHOOOO🥳) and life just got a little crazy but I hope you all enjoy! No one requested this (I am still working on all of your prompts though, don't worry), I just felt like writing some family fluff, plus I haven't written the girls in a hot minute, so here we are haha 😅💖

As always, thank you so much for your continued support and love for this story, it means so much to me and I hope you all enjoy! 🥰😭


As beautiful as your Lady's castle is, that doesn't stop it from becoming legitimately freezing at times.

It's the changing of the seasons, summer-to-autumn, and with it brings blasts of frigid air riding along the winds from the north. The castle, thankfully, is well-equipped to deal with these frozen gusts, especially considering the temperature-sensitive occupants currently buzzing around the nearest fireplace. Said daughters glance your way as you rise from the small couch, the library around the four of you silent aside from the winds outside and the crackling of the logs.

"Mama?" Bela, her legs now off to the side from where she's scooted from your lap, blinks, brushing a stray blonde curl from her face. "You're leaving—?"

Leaning forward, you cup her chin, a teasing grin crinkling your eyes. "I'm not dying, Bela, just need to get something to drink."

"Can I get something too?" Cassandra asks from her place on the loveseat, practically throwing the book she was half-heartedly reading toward Daniella. The redhead, however, barely even sturrs from her sleep, sniffling before curling closer to the fireplace. "I can help you, I don't mind. Anything to get out of this stuffy fucking library—"

"I happen to enjoy the library—"

"We know, Bela, and it's because you're boring."

Bela sniffs, disdain curling her lips. She doesn't move from her spot, however, just curls the blanket that was wrapped around the both of you tighter across her shoulders. "You can go and freeze all of your wings off, Cass, I'm gonna stay here and make sure Dani doesn't completely roll herself into the fireplace."

Laughing, you press a sweet kiss against the top of the blonde's forehead, watching as her cheeks tint pink. Waving Cassandra closer when the girl sits up, you shuffle toward the library doors. "Call me if you need anything, hon. We'll be right back."

Giving a nod, Bela goes back to her novel with a final glance at Daniella. Sighing, you feel Cassandra reach out, gripping the back of your sweater, holding onto you like a sort-of 6-foot-tall baby duck and you smile, glancing up at her as the two of you walk down the hallway toward the stairs.

"Let me know if you start to get too chilly, honey. Being away from the fire and all that."

Brushing away your concern with a fond eye-roll, your middle daughter clicks her tongue. "I'll be fine as long as we aren't, like, going outside or anything. We've survived far worse cold-fronts, Mama, we're okay."

Coughing, you try your hardest to fight the blush rushing toward your cheeks, praying that Cassandra can't see your embarrassment in the castle's dim light. "Oh, yeah, right. Sorry, just force of habit, you know?"

Cassandra laughs, tugging at your sweater. "It's alright, Mama. Mother's the same exact way, trust me."

"I don't doubt it." A pang of longing for your wife settles in your stomach and you swallow, trailing your fingers down the stairs railing as you walk. "It sucks she couldn't have lunch with us today—"

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