Chapter Sixty Two: To Be Overwhelmed

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SUMMARY: Prompt by the lovely @radioactivepaws: mmmmkay so maybe another time where bb goes with alci on a work trip or they just have to go SOMEWHERE and i have no details but it breaks down into maiden has a bad time, leads to anxiety attack, and then alci helps

I hope you enjoy this chapter hon and thank you SO SO SO much for the prompt ahh ily 💖🥰


A/N: Hi guys, happy Saturday night and happy fanfic update day! 🥰 I hope everyones having a wonderful weekend so far and I hope everyone enjoys this chapter! My update days are probably going to change back to Mondays (the way it was 1 1/2 years ago) on Feb 26th because I'm going back to full time at my restaurant job and that'll be my full day off yay! 🥳 Anyways, please enjoy and please let me know what you think, I love hearing from you all! 💙💚💙💚

TRIGGER WARNING: panic attack, anxiety attack, social anxiety


Going to the village market has never been a very enjoyable experience for you.

The days when it's warm and the air's fresh and clean, the sun a bright golden ball hovering in the clear, baby blue sky above the surrounding trees and stands? Sure, that's not too bad. When it's gloomy, a gray overcast and a nippy, late-winter wind that bites through your sweater and hat no matter how many times you double-check that you didn't forgo a layer before leaving the Dimitrescu castle?

Not so much.

As-per your luck, that's exactly the weather you encounter this time around. Thankfully, you aren't braving the cold and crowded stalls completely alone.

"I cannot believe the riff-raff we're being forced to mingle with." Alcina says, masterfully ignoring the way the crowd of nosy people lingering in-front of the nearby stores gape at her in a mix of awe and terror as the two of you leave the coach behind and step into the market. Waving a gloved hand behind her toward Ann, the coachwoman, your wife sighs. "We shouldn't be more than half-an-hour, Miss Ann. Go back to the castle and tend to your other duties."

"Yes, Lady Dimitrescu." Ann nods, flicking the reins for the horses and clacking back down the small road toward home.

Glancing up at your wife, you shuffle closer to her, leaning against her strong legs. "Riff-raff?"

"Yes." Clearly catching the way you're smiling, Alcina brushes your teasing aside with a huff. "Is there a particular reason we couldn't have just ordered our items from the Duke? It sure would save us a lot of trouble and annoyance."

"I thought we could get out, see the sights." You squint as a particularly thin, wispy cloud covers the sun, making the air around you gray and mulled. "Cabin fever, Alcina, cabin fever."

Adjusting her wide hat as another harsh breeze ruffles the dusty air, your wife scowls. "Honestly, beloved."

"You could have stayed home, M'Lady." You point out, tucking yourself further against her side, leaning into the warmth of her caress as she grips at your waist. "Technically."

"You believed I'd let my wife travel to the market alone? Need I remind you of the last time you attempted this little endeavor by yourself, hm?"

"Yeah, yeah." You huff, listening as your wife clicks her tongue. She gives your waist a soft, possessive warning squeeze and you relax after a few more seconds, allowing the furrow between your brows to settle. "Yes ma'am."

"Good girl." She leans down, kissing your temple.

Crossing your arms against the chill of the Romanian early-spring, you allow Alcina to lead you further along, glancing down at your boots as you and your Lady traverse through the market. Alongside, stalls of various fruit and fabrics rest, their vendors sinking back into the shadows of their tents at the sight of the infamous Lady of the Castle. Reaching into your coat pocket, you pull out the crinkled list you'd made earlier that morning.

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now