Chapter Forty Six: To Be Distracting - NSFW

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A/N: I wrote this while eating Chinese food and drinking hot chocolate so do with that what you will lmaoo I hope y'all enjoy this chapter and please don't hesitate to let me know what you think! 💖🥰

**NSFW CHAPTER: edging, thigh grinding/riding, orgasm delay/denial, praise kink, voice kink, slight spanking**


Groaning softly as you rest your novel at your side, you sit up and glance around Alcina's office, your back against the little loveseat's cushions.

Your wife's at her desk a few-steps-away, her strong back to you and you watch with heat pooling in your belly as she shifts in her large chair, leaning over a few meddling documents, the lean muscles in her shoulders rippling gracefully underneath of her dress. Letting out a little sigh, you finally rise to your feet and stretch, raising your arms above your head, reaching up toward the impeccably decorated wooden ceiling.

Humming, you look toward the office door, thankful to find it closed as usual, before blinking up at your wife's tall, tense form. Padding softly to her side, you watch in awe as her breathtakingly stunning features come into view: her beautiful, golden eyes, now hidden behind her wire-framed reading glasses, her swooping nose and sharp jaw, the way her ruby lips are pulled into a tight line, cast in a light shadow by her wide, black hat.

Feeling another needy quiver go through you, you quickly clamber into the shorter chair next to hers, listening as she rumbles low at your presence.

"Beloved—" She starts, her narrowed gaze flickering from the paperwork in-front of her, down to you and you shiver again. "Is there something you need?"

Shaking your head, you sit up in your chair until you can reach her face, trying your hardest to stifle a giggle. Reaching out, you hover your pointer finger over her right cheek for a few seconds, before poking her. "Poke."

Blinking in confusion at the gesture, Alcina shifts in her chair, raising an immaculate eyebrow. "Darling—"

"Poke." Doing it again to her other cheek, you laugh at the way she scowls, clearly annoyed at having her work interrupted.

"I'm trying to work, sweetheart, stop." Her voice is calm but stern and you feel another shiver go up your spine at the tone. Biting at your bottom lip, you shift in your own seat, watching as your Lady wearily goes back to reading over a letter, her chest heaving a sigh. "Thank you."

Waiting until Alcina's clearly back into her diligent work-mode, you lean up higher and scoot even closer to the taller woman. Watching the way your wife breathes and just exists makes your heart do happy flutters and you heave your own sigh in awe. Reaching out again, however, you poke at her other cheek a few more times.

"Poke. Poke." Booping her nose, you giggle. "Boop."

Rolling her eyes and letting out a low, rumbling growl, Alcina gently swats your hand away from her face, her eyes narrowed as she huffs. Removing her reading glasses and setting them on her desk, your wife settles back into her chair and crosses her arms, tutting down at you. "I said stop. Did I not?"

"Yes ma'am—" You say even as you reach up, attempting to poke her swooping nose again. Letting out a whine when your wife blocks you, you pout, dragging her first name out. "Alcinaaaa—"

"I'm working."

"You've been working all day." You argue, flopping down dramatically in her lap and burying your face in her stomach. Your arms encircle as much of her waist as you can, clinging to her even as she huffs again. "I want attention."

"My needy little angel." Your Lady says, running her fingers lovingly through your hair and you smile. Your grin falters, however, as she starts to gently tug you up, tightening your hold around her in response and she tuts. "You cannot lay in my lap right now, my one true. I'm busy."

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now