Chapter Seventy Five: To Be Exercising

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SUMMARY: Not a prompt from anyone, I just wanted to write something soft for myself haha 🥹


A/N: Hello hello, happy Monday y'all! 🥰 I hope everyones had a wonderful past week and that you enjoy this silly, fluffy mush I came up with. I'm sorry its not an "official" prompt but I have a doctors appointment for my back/pinched nerve on Wednesday and I'm honestly anxious af about it, so I needed to write some soft, comforting Alcina 😅 I hope you all enjoy regardless and thank you so much as always for your incredible love and support! 💖💖💖

**Trigger Warning: brief mention of body-image issues**


Maybe doing twenty laps around the courtyard the day before wasn't such a good idea.

You wanted to get back in shape, at least a little bit. Despite how much you need to walk — going up-and-down stairs, across hallways — to get around your lavish castle home, you couldn't help but notice how easily winded you've become just going from the foyer to the second floor at times. You're not panting or anything, but you do start to breathe a little heavier and well, that's slightly ridiculous for a single flight of stairs.

Technically, it is two flights if you take the little 'rest area' in the middle into account, but still. It should not be nearly enough of a climb for you to feel anything but happy to be on the second floor. Part of you blames Alcina.

She spoils you, indulges you and literally doesn't make you lift a single finger — both in the bedroom and out — and as-nice-as it is, it's made you increasingly l azy.

Your wife would, of course, disagree with this completely. You're pretty sure she has a spoiling kink because she legitimately preens whenever she sees you doing absolutely nothing; will cover your entire face in deep red, indulgent lipstick marks in the library, leaving you in a daze with your novel slack in your lap, before sashaying off to her office to scorn some old men investors over the telephone. It's extremely sexy. Sometimes it makes you so horny you need to go outside to get some fresh air, and a very, very large part of you loves it.

That doesn't mean you want to be out-of-breath walking up the stairs, however.

The first lap around the courtyard was nice. The day was bright and just warm enough for your sweatpants and t-shirt to be comfortable work-out clothes, the baby-blue sky above the trees and the Dimitrescu castle's stone walls increasing your confidence, the next few laps going just as well and pride bloomed in your chest.

By the twentieth, however, you have to hold up the white flag.

You didn't feel sore from it until a good few hours afterwards, thankfully. Curled up against Alcina in your gigantic bed, you stayed awake just long enough for her to wring an exhausted, whining orgasm from you before you had crashed.

"Sleepy tonight, hm, darling?" Your wife whispered as she carefully cleaned you off, letting out a raspy chuckle when all you could do was nod. Brushing your hair back from your face, Alcina hummed, the bed dipping as she climbed back in, spooning you gently against her front. "Adorable. Go to sleep, beloved."

It's the next day now and those twenty laps are starting to feel more like one hundred.

Alcina was already gone, a note in her lovely, fancy handwriting sitting on her pillow next to your head and you forced your eyes to scan the words. From what your muddled brain can comprehend, she's only in her office down the hall, taking a few early-morning phone calls and it feels like too much work to go join her.

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