Chapter Seven: To Be "Mama"

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A/N: Hi guys! 🥰 

This chapter is dedicated to the wonderful @Dimitrescu_Alcina on AO3, who requested a story where the daughters call the Maiden "Mama" for the first time! I hope you enjoy this hon and thank you so much for the prompt, and for all of the words of encouragement and love you've given me and this story! 💙💜

As for everyone else, I also hope that you enjoy and, as always, please dont hesitate to let me know what you think! I love you all! 💖🥰

**TRIGGER WARNING for violence, death, strong language and attempted murder**

PS: I've never really written the sisters before so I'm sorry if this is OOC 😅 If you want, feel free to leave any constructive criticism in the comment section too!


The first time that the girls call you Mama isn't nearly as wholesome as you would have liked.

You're sprinting down the hallway, panting with both adrenaline and a sharp, burning fear. Behind you, you hear the sound of shoes against the carpet, much too heavy to be those of your wife. Turning a corner, you manage to wiggle your way in-between two bookshelves, barely hidden from the hunter as he too rounds the same corner, running past you without a second glance.

There were four of them, the hunters, that managed to sneak into the castle during the first light of morning, jolting you from your rest. Almost immediately, you had reached out for Alcina, cursing silently when all you touched was empty air.

Of course, the first time in almost a year that your home was being attacked and your wife had to go to a stupid fucking meeting.

That was all the time you had to think, however, because another window shattered, this one a little bit closer to your bedchambers and you bit your lip to hold in a shriek. Barely managing to have time to shove on a pair of pants underneath your nightshirt, you took the back exit out of your bedroom, shuffling down a long side hallway that led to Alcina's study.

You were just a few feet from the door, however, when you heard a high-pitched scream.


Gathering your courage, you retraced your steps despite the way your legs were shaking, wishing against all hope that Alcina would be back from her meeting early.

The ache for your wife, the way that your whole body -- your soul -- burns with the need for her is so strong it's nearly painful and you force yourself to shove away your longing. Not now. Not now.

Once back in your bedroom, you grabbed the first sort-of weapon that you laid your eyes on -- a long, silver candle holder, one almost the length of your arm. You held it out for a second, taking a few slashes in the air with it, before turning toward the main entryway. You steadied your breathing, pushing down the nauseating fear churning your stomach, and shoved the door open, candle holder held out in-front of you like a dull sword.

No one, at least not yet.

Another one of Bela's screams echoed through the castle walls, urging you on.

It isn't until you're down the next hallway, a few steps away from the staircase leading down to the castle's foyer, that one of the hunters catches sight of you.

"Hey!" He yells, dark eyes wide and you don't hesitate to take off in the opposite direction, gasping when you hear as he follows close behind. "Come back here, bitch!"

Now, hidden away from that same man, at least for a few minutes, you breathe a sigh, feeling terrified, frustrated tears sting at the corner of your eyes. You feel like you're dying, a little bit. The fear that courses through you steals your breath, causing your entire body to shake. A dull, almost silent sob shakes your shoulders and you clench your fists so hard your knuckles turn white.

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