Chapter Fifteen: To Be Reassured

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A/N: Quick disclaimer: This isn't the marking chapter. I'M SORRY PLEASE DON'T KILL ME 🥺 I tried to write it for literally 2 hours last night but it just wouldn't work right now so I wrote this instead 😅 The marking chapter IS COMING, I swear, it might just take a little longer to get done because I still need to figure out how to actually start it.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter! 💖🥰😭

**TRIGGER WARNING: talk of past domestic abuse, murder and blood**


Surprisingly, the Dimitrescu family does have a television.

It's an old one, however, with a gigantic back and a slot at the bottom for VHS tapes. Squealing with joy, you'd begged your Lady to carry it from the storage rooms, ignoring her fondly exasperated eye-roll in favor of twirling the little remote that came with it in one hand.

"Let's watch a movie." You say as both you and Alcina finally come to a stop in the sitting room, your wife carefully setting down the TV a few feet in-front of the fire. You quickly plug it in before turning back to her. "You guys have movies, right?"

"Hmm," Your Lady hums, brows furrowed as she thinks and you reach out, grabbing at her hand. She pecks at your knuckles before continuing. "Bela might have a few stashed away in her room, her collection of human items has grown in the last few years and I'm sure she wouldn't mind if we borrowed one while her and her sisters are hunting."

Cheering, you race down to your eldest daughter's room, carefully opening the door. Stepping inside, you go over to her large closet, brushing aside a few of her robes and dresses. In the way back, behind a box of what looks to be wooden dolls, you find a few tapes, the covers so worn you aren't sure what movies they could be.

"Found some!"

Holding up the items for your wife to see, you take a seat beside her, curling into her side as she drapes an arm around your waist. Golden eyes narrowed, she gently takes the first offered movie, turning it over in her hand.

"Do you know what it's about, dearest?" She asks.

You shake your head, reluctantly pulling away from Alcina to pop the tape into the television, pressing the play button on the remote. It takes a few seconds but the screen fizzles to life with a few static pops and a flickering main menu comes to life. It's dark, fizzling across the television and you squint.

"Huh," You say, leaning in closer to the TV. "Looks like a scary movie, I guess."

"Scary, hmm?" Your wife's beautiful eyes light up in interest at this and she sinks further into the couch cushion. Her arms wrap around your waist as you scamper back over, pulling you into her lap. Butterflies erupt in your stomach, little bursts of comfort. "I do love a good thrill."

Snuggling further into her embrace, you swallow. Horror movies have never really been your favorite and you know that it's sort of silly, considering the life you live now, but you feel a brief rush of fear that makes your palms sweat.

You know horror, true terror and the thought of it being replicated on screen is enough for you to feel your eyes burn.

Your Lady senses this -- because of course she does -- and her hold on you gets even tighter, her chest rumbling in a low growl. She leans down, nosing at your jawline and you tilt your head, sucking in a sharp gasp as her lips graze your neck.

"If you're frightened, beloved, we can forgo the film--"

"No," Despite your initial anxiety, you want to watch a movie and you definitely want to watch a movie with your wife. "We brought the TV all the way down here, might as well use it."

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