Chapter Eighty Three: To Be Nesting

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SUMMARY: Prompt by the lovely @MadHatter6660: Now I need a chapter where the Maiden is nesting as a stress response of some kind.


A/N: Hellooooo hello hello lovely readers, happy Monday to you all! 🥰 I hope everyone had a wonderful past week and that you enjoy chapter 83! It was honestly a blast to write, the entire thing flowed so well - despite the fact I had about 15 million distractions today lmaooooo 😂 Anyways, I hope you all enjoy and thank you as always, from the bottom of my heart, for your incredible love and support, it means the absolute world to me! 🥹💖 Please don't hesitate to let me know what you think (or just chat with me) in the comments, I love hearing from everyone! 👀

**TRIGGER WARNING: brief mentions of anxiety and NSFW themes**


There's so many extra pillows on your and Alcina's bed now that you can barely see the normal, dark burgundy sheets underneath.

Despite this, it's still not enough to soothe that itch inside of you, the need to fluff the pillows and grab extra blankets from the linen closet, the way you have to bite your lip to barely suppress a whine each time you cross over to Alcina's side of the bed. It's a side-effect of your heat, you know this. It's been a few days since the initial symptoms and while you don't feel the need for your wife to fuck you into the matress quite as-badly-as before, the lingering restlessness and flush to your skin continues to makes you tremble.

"Ah, fuck—" You curse as the pillow you had settled in the just the right spot at the foot of the bed tumbles to the floor. Grumbling to yourself, you crawl across the many blankets to grab it, leaning down with your lower-body in the air.

Of course, that's the exact moment your Lady ducks through the doorway.

"Well, well—" She purrs once she straightens up to her full height, her sinfully delighted grin crooked as you blink up at her, the pillow an inch from your fingers. Swaying closer, her darkened golden eyes flicker between your face and your raised ass, her tongue ghosting over her crimson lips. "Such a precarious position for you, darling."

You groan and swipe the pillow from the floor, pouting up at Alcina as she continues to eat you up with her hungry gaze. "I—I can't—It's not working, M'Lady."

Despite her lust, your wife seems taken aback by your complaints and her beautiful face falls. Standing next to the bed now, she reaches out and cradles your jaw in her large, gloved hands, brushing her thumbs over your flushed cheeks, a furrow between her brows. "What's not working, sweet girl? Talk to me."

"It's not good enough." You're whining but you can't bring yourself to care. The rush of hormones from your ongoing heat makes you frustrated and you groan again, squishing the poor pillow between your fingers, not meeting Alcina's eyes as she ducks down to your level. "It's not enough, it's—it doesn't feel right, doesn't feel complete—"

"I don't understand, I'm sorry, baby." Alcina says, sitting down on the bed next to you, the mattress dipping under her weight. It's then that she seems to finally notice the extra dressings added to the bed, glancing around with raised eyebrows before focusing on you again. She gives a small, sympathetic chuckle, drawing you closer with a strong arm around your waist. "Oh, dove — it's your heat."

You nod despite it not being a question, leaning forward to rest against her side, your cheek squished against her stomach. You tremble in anxiety, a coil in your belly that makes you ache. "Yeah. The nesting or whatever you called it. I feel restless, like it's not — I don't have enough of something but I don't know what the fuck it is and it's been so—so hot lately—and—"

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now