Chapter Thirty Four: To Be Found [Part 3]

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A/N: Alright, to clear some things up before y'all read:

The ex doesn't die in this chapter. I was going to have the battle and his death be at the end of this chapter but I work a double shift at work tomorrow (Friday) and *really* need to get some sleep, but I also didn't want to leave you guys without an update since it's been a while, so I figured I would stop the chapter where I stopped it and have the next one be the final part.

Also Heisenberg has Lycan traits in this fic because I love it.

Anyways, I'm so sorry for how long this took, the next and final part should not take nearly as long to write 😅💖 I hope you all enjoy this chapter and thank you so much for all of your love and support!! 🥰😭

**TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of blood, murder, past domestic abuse, language, and death**


"She's still asleep?"

Heisenberg's voice rouses you the next morning, your wife's answer a deep, soothing rumble in your ear. You're still in bed, curled up against her chest with your arms around her torso, her own wrapped securely around your waist.

"Fortunately." One of Alcina's large hands travels up and down your back through your nightgown, gentle and rhythmic. Her nails lightly scratch at your skin and you barely manage to resist the urge to arch into her lovely touch. "Any news?"

Karl lets out a harsh sigh through his nose, almost like an angry bull. "The girls managed to catch a small scent. It lead to a fucking dead-end though. I'm gonna go back and see what my own nose can pick up again after breakfast."

"Thank you, little brother."

Heisenberg leaves then, you listen as his lumbering footsteps hesitate at the threshold before he's pushing forward, shutting the door behind him with an uncharacteristically gentleness. You remind yourself to thank him later, over breakfast.

Leaning down, your wife brushes her lips against your forehead, so soft you can barely feel it. Her own sigh rises you slightly and you nuzzle back down against her, blinking your eyes open and squinting in the dim light of the morning sun. Alcina's gaze finds yours after a few seconds, her smile as breathtaking as any sunrise could ever be.

"Good morning, my darling."

And for a second, everything's normal. Your own grin is just as soft, just as warm. "Good morning, M'lady."

She kisses you then, cups your face in her lovely hands and you wrap your own arms around her neck, drawing her closer. She pulls back, brushing her thumb against your cheek and you lean into the affection, meeting her eyes again. The sadness edged into the beautiful gold, chilling the fire causes a shiver to travel down your spine. You swallow. Yesterday comes back to you, bits and pieces and you squeeze your eyes shut, a shaking breath catching in your chest.

"How much did you hear, dove?"

You swallow again, curling your hands into the fabric of your Lady's own nightgown, twisting it in-between your fingers. "Enough."

She grips your shaking digits in her own, bringing your knuckles up and kisses at your skin. A sound escapes you then, a cross between a sob and a sigh, and Alcina clutches you tighter, drawing you even closer under the blanket. You're spooned as close to her as possible already, her upper body curled so that she's practically both above and below you, her arms intertwining the rest of the way. Even still, you sink closer.

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