Chapter Seventy Nine: To Be Bathed [Part 1]

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SUMMARY: Prompt by the wonderful @Me when aliens: I got a request, what if the reader ends up having a panic attack and goes nonverbal and is unable to talk to Alcina, and Alicia ends up giving reader a bath and they go to bed together??


A/N: Hi guys, happy Monday to you! 💖🥰 I hope everyone had a very safe and wonderful week and I hope you enjoy Chapter 79! Part 2 (which is technically the meat of this prompt and WILL be much longer - this current chapter is set-up and exposition, mostly) will be posted next Monday! 👀 Thank you so much, as always, for your incredible love and support! It means the world to me! 🥹❤️

**TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of past assault/attempted abduction, murder, violence, talks of anxiety**


You didn't realize how triggering trying to take a bath alone was going to be.

Despite it being two weeks since the looters had broken in, since your wife had transformed to her beautifully monstrous, mutated form on the castle roof and fucked you in a way that left you deliciously sore for days afterwards, it's been difficult to settle back down. Your anxiety had peaked the second those men broke the window in your bathroom and shoved a gun under your chin and you can't seem to shake the fear.

You know that they're gone and dead, probably decomposing in the moat outside and in the dirt of the dungeon — that Alcina would never let anything but that be the absolute truth.

For the first week, your Lady had been so on-edge herself that you had barely left her side. Practically leashed to her hip, you curled up in her lap and under her strong body, taking her fingers or tongue between your trembling legs whenever her possessive instincts had raged too fiercely for her to ignore. She showered you with love, praise and reassurance, her scent so thick in the air that you could practically taste it, her crimson lips catching against your cheeks and own lips too many times to possibly count.

Unfortunately, she is the Lady of the Castle, and with that comes duties that she couldn't ignore but for so-long, no matter how the inconvenience of them made her rage and snarl.

"I'll be back, darling. Just down the hallway, yes?" She murmured against your skin, leaned over you as you laid against the bedsheets, her golden eyes flickering between your gaze, studying your face. She kisses your lips again, a hard, sweet peck that makes your insides melt and you whimper, reaching up to cradle her sharp jaw. You can feel the way her teeth grind as she pulls away. "You will come and get me if you need to do so, A intelege? I don't care if I'm in the middle of a call—"

"Yes, M'Lady." You whisper. Leaning upwards, you nuzzle against the soft underside of her chin, trying to sooth both yourself and her raging protectiveness. Sitting up, you toss the covers from your bare legs, shivering a little at the cool castle air, listening as your wife rumbles in appreciation at the view. Reaching up, you poke the tip of her long nose. "No, no ma'am. You have to take these calls, Alcina. Your investors—"

"I don't give a damn about those insignificant little worms." Waving a hand, Alcina scowls, her ruby-lips curled up over her fangs. Reaching down, she grips at your bare hip, not enough to hurt — never to hurt — but it's enough of a dominant warning that you instinctively bare your throat, your collar jingling. Hooking her pointer finger of her free hand around the leather, she doesn't tug but holds, nuzzling sweet kisses into the crown of your head, her chest rising as she inhales sharply. "I have half-a-mind to forget the entire affair and take you in our bed again, settle between your beautiful thighs."

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