Chapter Sixty Six: To Be Spanked - NSFW

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SUMMARY: Dedicated to everyone who's been requesting a chapter where Reader gets spanked lmaoo please enjoyyy 👀😌🍑


A/N: Hi guys, happy Monday! 🥰 I hope everyones having a wonderful start to their week and please enjoy this 2.8k long mix of fluff, smut and edging LMAOOO Thank you so much as always for your love and support, it means the world to me! 💖💖

KINKS: slight degrading, praise kink, edging, voice kink, strength kink, spanking, orgasm delay/denial, domination, consensual possession, glove kink, punishment & BDSM



As it turns out, Alcina definitely thinks you need to be punished first.

After a few more lavish kisses, her large hands sliding under the covers to clutch at your bare ass, your wife gently tugs you fully into her lap. Letting out a growling moan, she trails hot, wet open-mouthed kisses down your throat and across the underside of your chin, heedless of the way you whimper and arch closer. Pulling away after a few seconds, she huffs and narrows her golden eyes down at you, her crimson lipstick smudged slightly and you pant in lust.

"Oh no, no no." She tsks at the way you start to slowly grind down against her thigh, her grip against your hips tightening and you whine as she forces you to stop, blinking up at her with needy eyes. "Don't you dare look at me like that, draga. After the foolish, dangerous stunt you pulled in that bathtub? You should be singing my praises that all I'm doing is giving you some swats at your bare, pretty little ass, hmm?"

Despite the arousal currently making your chest heave, you feel a low simmer of guilt mingle and you lean forward, cuddling under her chin, pressing your face against her breasts. "I—I really am sorry, M'Lady. It truly was an accident."

Cradling your face in her palm, Alcina tugs you back up so that you lock eyes again, another high sound falling from you at the sight of her golden gaze, the softness adoring her regal features making you melt a little. Letting her lips linger against your forehead, she sighs.

"Hush now. Let's focus on making that ample bum of yours red before we start on more apologies, yes?"

Licking her lips when you nod obediently, your wife pats sweetly at your cheek before leaning back. Taking a deep breath, her honeyed-eyes falling shut for a few heartbeats, Alcina steels her sharp jaw, her broad shoulders tightening. When she glances back down at you, the familiar dominance is swirling in her gaze and you feel your knees go weak.

"Safe word?"

You shiver. "Crimson."

Her grin is deliciously sinful. "Good girl."

Stretching her legs out, her familiar dress taunt around her curves, your Lady pats at her own thighs, manhandling you so that you're laid across her lap. Squirming a little at the cool bedchamber air against your bare ass, you press your cheek against the mattress below you, your lower body propped up against Alcina's lap. Adjusting her leg underneath you, she hums and rubs a cool, gloved hand down your back, trailing over the slight curve of your spine.

"This punishment is not for pleasure." She says, clearly feeling the way you start to rock your hips down, your pussy glistening, hot and wet. Pulling her leg out from under your cunt, she tuts at the damp stain, her ruby lips thinned. A low growl in her tone, she forces you to bring your knees up under your chest instead, denying you the friction you desperately need and you whimper. "Hush. Quiet."

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now