Chapter Fifty Two: To Be Professional [Part 1]

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SUMMARY: Prompt by the lovely @Tiresia: I'd love to see a chapter were for one reason or another, Alcina brings her maiden along with her when she conducts some sort of business deal or whatever, and after the person she is doing business with does something that upsets her maiden, Alcina gets extremely protective and threatening for the rest of the meeting, while her maiden is sitting in her lap trying not to let anyone see how turned on this is getting her (Alcina sees right through her of course, but once they are alone again she rewards her maiden for being such a good girl.)


A/N: Hi guys, I hope you enjoy chapter 52! Thank you so much for all of your love, support and kind words for me and this fic and please PLEASE let me know what you think! 💖🥰 Part 2 (the part with the smut lmao) should be posted within the next week or so! 

**TRIGGER WARNING: murder, violence, blood, swearing, verbal non-con**


"You can wait here if you wish, beloved?"

Shaking your head, you follow behind your wife as she ducks from the carriage, the coachwoman — an older lady named Ann, her blue eyes partly hidden behind wire frames — bowing respectfully toward both you and Alcina as she holds the door open. Giving your own grateful nod as you pass, you shuffle back against Alcina's side, blinking up at her through the glistening afternoon sunlight.

"No. I already said I wanted to come with you today, M'Lady." You argue, reaching up to brush a stray lock of hair from your face. "You said it was okay—"

"Yes. Yes I did." Letting out a little sigh, Alcina cradles your cheek in her hand before turning toward her coachwoman, pointing with a gloved hand back down the narrow path behind the carriage. "I believe the stables and carriage stand is back that way, Miss Ann—"

"Yes, my lady." Ann nods briskly, brushing a graying hair behind her ear. Adjusting the bit mouthpiece of the lighter colored horse, the coachwoman scowls, glancing distastefully up toward the mansion. "Certainly a wonderful welcome comenity they have here. Give a call if you wish to leave early, ma'am."

"Will do, Miss Ann. Thank you."

With a nod and a final brush of the left horse's flank, Ann dips her head and climbs back onto the carriage boot, giving the reins a little flick. The horses huff and start trotting forward a bit before Ann turns the carriage around and starts back toward the front of the grounds.

Alcina lets out another sigh, harsher this time and she glares back up at the large house that sits nestled between the trees. The roof's a dark brown, the outside of it a cream white that nearly hurts your eyes to stare at for too long, and you drag your gaze downwards instead, glancing toward your feet. Pushing a lone pebble with the toe of your boot, you swallow and blink up at your wife.

"Shouldn't someone be out here to greet us by now, M'Lady?"

Alcina nods, stretching her fingers out as though she aches to release her claws. "Yes, dove. It's atrocious, considering the fact that we've been standing here for a good five minutes. Highly unusual for Mr. Barbu. Something that I will be sure to make note of in this meeting."

Glancing from Alcina's pinched, beautiful face, toward the manor that stands before the two-of-you, you rock back on your heels. "Where are we, anyways?"

"Barbu Estate. They sell my wine in their pubs and bars further west of the village, almost toward the edge. We're here to talk about their lack-of-revenue as of these past two quarters." Your Lady answers with a slight flourish of her hand, pressing her other one against the small of your back. With a little shove, she starts both of you forward, her heels nearly silent against the gravel around you, her gloved hand warm against your waist. "Make haste, darling."

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