Chapter Thirty Five: To Be Found [Part 4] - NSFW

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A/N: Hi guys! 🥰 I hope that you enjoy Chapter 35, thank you so so fucking much for all of the amazing, incredible love and support for me and this fic. it truly never fails to blow me away every single time! I love you guys! 💙💜

Let me know if you want one more part to this arc of everyone having breakfast in the morning and just doing some family things (that don't involve planning murder lmfao), and I'll see what I can do! 😅💖

**TRIGGER WARNING: murder, graphic descriptions of violence, past domestic abuse, sex, language, and mentioned disassociation**

**NSFW CHAPTER - at the end**


The movement of Alcina is lost to you as she surges forward.

Her tall body is shuddering, tremors traveling down her spine and across her sharp jaw, her ruby lips curled back to expose her glistening fangs. Her claws reach out, twisting your ex-fiancé's disgusting fur in-between the jagged edges.

She's lost her hat, you realize, the article falling to the dirty floor without care and you watch as one of her heels skid against the wide rim.

You're in Mother Miranda's arms now, rested against her chest and she carefully sets you down on your own feet, keeping a steady hold across your shoulders as you sway slightly. Miranda looks over her shoulder, calling your daughters closer with a flick of a finger. Your children buzz closer, all three shifting between enraged and concerned.

"Stay with her." Mother Miranda orders, giving a nod at Bela as your oldest raises her scribe in understanding, coming up to stand next to you. Cassandra and Daniela follow close before, the two of them shuffling on your otherside, their hands against your back both a comfort and a protection. "Do not interfere. Not yet."

Mother Miranda rests her gaze back on you, the hard lines along her eyes and forehead deep in the fire's orange glow. Her eyes are dancing blue flames when she glances from you to the scene before her.

"I-I—" The English language is gone from your Lady's tongue as she snarls, baring down at your ex with a rage you've yet to see in all the time you've known her. She licks her lips, gaze blazing a feral need, practically spitting the words, hissing them in-between her clenched fangs. " Ucide, te omoară, ucide."

"No." Heisenberg speaks up, displaying his own crimson-stained mawl. The dark fur along his shoulders bristles and he shifts on his feet, hand trembling around the chain link clutched in his grip. "Not yet, Alcina. We need answers, then we kill him."

Snapping her head up, your wife aims her fury at your brother-in-law for just a second, a low, warning growl starting deep in her throat. Karl, however, answers with one of his own, puffing up his chest in a faux display of dominance and Alcina snarls again, making a move as though to reach for her brother.

"Please." Donna steps forward, Angie clutched in her arms and her two siblings freeze. "Let's do this quickly, get him out of here for good."

"I can do it." Angie offers with a laugh, the sound both gleeful and bloodthirsty, her glass eyes shifting from your ex, to the rest of your family. "Just let me take a finger, I need a souvenir for the manor."

"None of that." Miranda's wings flap as she also moves forward, stopping near where your wife and brother-in-law are still growling. She glances over her shoulder, her gaze meeting your own. "Not now."

Alcina looks over at you, her golden eyes almost fully encased in the black of her rage. She reaches you in a few long strides, cupping your face in her hands, careful of her claws. She leans down, rubbing her cheek against yours, pressing her lips and her scent against your skin and you reach upwards, gripping at her dress with shaking hands.

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