Chapter Sixty Four: To Be Catty

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SUMMARY: Prompt by the lovely @Abiectio: Alcina's dear maiden discovers a kitten or similar small creature cold and alone and in need of care. She spends so much time nursing the poor thing back to health that our dear Alcina becomes jealous of the attention the kitten gets, or more accurately the lesser amount of attention she is getting while her maiden is singlemindedly focused. She of course feels a bit embarrassed about being jealous of such a creature and her loving maiden only teases her a little. Bonus points if Alcina is at first reluctant to hold the kitten when asked by her maiden because she's nervous about how small it is and accidentally hurting it.


A/N: Hi guys, happy Monday! 🥰 I hope you enjoy this fluffy, sweet little chapter and please don't hesitate to tell me what you think! If you want any more chapters or have other prompts featuring the new member of the Dimitrescu family, please feel free to leave me some ideas! 💙💚💙💚 Thank you so much for all of your love and support!

TRIGGER WARNING: very brief mention of child abuse, torture and blood


Hiding a squirming, mewling and wet kitten in your jacket is a lot easier said-than-done.

"Shh, shh." You croon at him, pressing him further against your chest in an attempt to block out the raging Romanian chill. Stepping back up the stone steps and into the castle's dining room, you close the door behind you with a grunt, cuddling the whimpering kitten with your free arm. "It's okay, little guy. We're gonna go sit by the nice, toasty fire and get you all warm. Shh."

Glancing around you, you tiptoe over to the doors leading into the foyer and carefully climb the stairs, taking a right. Crossing through the short hallway, you duck into the library, thankful that your daughters decided that today was a perfect day to practice their new methods of 'fun' down in the dungeon.

If you listen, you think you can very faintly hear the screams of the disgusting man-thing as he's strung up, changed with abusing a little girl down in the village.

Shaking your head, you settle on your knees near the fireplace and, with a final glance around you, gently tug the shivering kitten from under your jacket. Around 6-months-old, his fur is a dark black, aside from splashes of white on his front paws and a little white patch on his chest, a cowlick in the middle that swoops. You run your fingers through it, brushing the soft fur down, making soothing sounds in the back of your throat. His eyes, a vivid blue the color of winter ice, blink up at you and he weakly purrs, arching into your gentle caresses.

"Hi, little one." You whisper, turning your body toward the fireplace, reaching out and grabbing the fire iron. "Hold on, I'll fix it."

Prodding the coals along the bottom, you breathe out a sigh as the flames grow slightly from the added oxygen, the warmth welcome after your outing and unprompted rescue from the castle's rain-soaked courtyard.

Glancing from the orange glow, down to the kitten, you hum. "How did you get out there, huh buddy?"

The kitten, as expected, has no remark and you sigh again, gently scratching behind his ears as he snuggles deeper into your lap. His blue eyes study you for a few more seconds before he slumps, his breathing even and steady now that he's warm. Continuing your pets against his soft pelt, you sit there for a little while, until your stomach rumbles and you rise to your feet, stretching and tucking the kitten back into the pocket of your jacket. Giving a little mewl, he wiggles until he can blink out of the pocket, hidden from sight by the sleeve of your sweater.

"Time for a snack." You say, starting toward the stairs and clambering into the kitchen. Wrenching the fridge door open, you study the leftovers, trying to figure out just what you can feed your newest guest.

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