Chapter Seventy Eight: To Be Harvesting

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SUMMARY: Requested by no one lmao I just really wanted to write this 😅


A/N: Hi y'all, happy Monday to you! 🥰 This chapter is partly-inspired by going strawberry picking with my aunt on Saturday morning - I thought Maiden and Alcina would want a-go at it and here we are 😂🍓✨ I hope you all enjoy and I absolutely still am writing the prompts I have, I just needed something soft and sweet this week haha



When you suggested strawberry picking as a fun, little late-spring day date with your wife, you severely misjudged just how many bees there were going to be.

Jerking your hand back from one as it buzzes along the flowers hidden in the strawberry bushes, you huff and adjust your hold on your basket. Squinting in the sunlight, annoyed with yourself for not thinking of bringing your own hat along, you blink up at Alcina as she sways over to you, her own basket cradled under one strong arm.

"Having issues, beloved?" She chuckles, leaning down. Her long shadow's a welcome relief from both the glare of the sun and the rising heat and you sigh, a blush on your cheeks as your Lady croons, booping your nose with a gloved finger. "Don't pout, it's unbecoming."

"I'm not." You pout. Peeking into Alcina's strawberry basket, you huff again at the large pile of fruit, glancing from her loot, toward your own half-full one. "This is unfair."

"What is, sweetheart?" Alcina says, a furrow between her brows. Her confusion clears, however, when she catches the way you glare into her basket. She laughs again, cradling your cheek in her palm. "Oh, darling, it's alright. You have a few good-sized ones in yours. Quality over quantity."

"I'd have more if these stupid bees would stop getting in my way." Turning back to the strawberry bushes, you sigh as you lean down and pick a few tiny ones, flinching backwards into your wife's legs when a bee flutters toward your face. Pointing, you grumble. "See?! They're doing it on purpose, Alcina."

"I highly doubt that." Clicking her tongue, Alcina shoos away the insect for you, giving your hip a soothing pat with her other hand. "They just want to be around you because you're so sweet. Like a cute, grumpy little flower."

"How do I become less cute?"

"I don't think that's possible."

"Ugh." Throwing your hands up, trying not to laugh at yourself, you pick a few more berries. Beside you, Alcina does the same before rising to her full height, her lovely face cast in a green-tinged shadow from her wide hat. Reaching out, you dump your little handful of strawberries into your basket before catching your wife's large hand in your own, the leather of her gloves warm from the sunshine. "You have gloves on, M'Lady. You have protection from the bugs and I'm over here, sticking my poor, naked hands directly into the dirt and leaves."

"Hmm, we can't have that, can we?" She asks, bringing your hand up to her crimson lips and kissing your knuckles. Letting you go, she sets her basket on the ground near her feet, and starts to pull off her gloves, heedless of your little noise of confusion. Holding them out to you, she smiles, clearly finding your bewilderment endearing. "Here, little love."

"But—But you don't like taking them off in public." You swallow. "You don't have—"

Glancing around at the empty strawberry field around the two-of-you, Alcina chuckles, leaning down to kiss your forehead. "There's no one here, baby. It's alright, truly. Go ahead and pick some berries, I'd much rather let you wear them if it would make you feel better."

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