Chapter Thirty Three: To Be Found [Part 2]

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A/N: Hi guys! This took a little bit longer than I had hoped to get completed, but here it is! 🥰 I hope that you all enjoy and thank you so much for all of your continued love and support, it really does mean so much! 💙💜 This arc of the fic is going to have 1 more part after this one (so 3 in total) that I'm planning on finishing within the next week or so!

**TRIGGER WARNING: attempted murder, violence, language, planned murder, talk of domestic abuse**


Sometimes, when your Lady has to wake up extra early to take some important phone calls, you'll wake up as well.

Well, not really "wake up," per say. Curled in her lap at her desk, you'd rest your head against her chest, feeling the gentle rise and fall of her breathing lure you into sleep once more. Her voice was smooth against your cheek, rumbling beneath you and you would sink into it, lean into her hold as she wrapped a gentle, protective hand around your waist.

It wasn't really much different now, aside from the terror that continues to sink its claws deep into your stomach, twisting your insides.

The others had arrived without hesitation.

Donna was the first, Angie hanging off of her arm. For the first time since you met her, the little doll was completely serious, her wide porcelain eyes meeting your own. Donna, herself, had reached out to you from where you were seated on Alcina's lap, and had cupped your face in her soft, warm hands. Her veil was lifted, her dark eyes welled with tears and your own body shook in a sob.

"We're going to find him, dear sunflower." Donna whispers, reaching behind you to grip at your wife's hand. Her gaze flickered between your face and Alcina's, her sharp jaw clenched. "I can promise you this."

"We'll jab his heart out, little lady." Angie speaks up from her place in Donna's arms, reaching out with one of her little hands toward your own. "Won't even give it to you as a gift."

Despite the horrifying implications of the reassurance from the doll, you can't help but feel grateful. Sniffling, all you can do is nod, settling deep in Alcina's warmth as your Lady rests her lips against your forehead, her chest rumbling.

"Any word on Heisenberg?" Alcina asks after a few seconds.

Nodding, Donna waves a hand behind her, toward the entrance of the castle. "He should be here before the next hour is finished, if not sooner. You talked with him on the phone, yes?"

"Just for a few seconds, the little fool was in the middle of fixing some contraption, like usual." Despite her words, your Lady's face is soft when you glance up at her. "I talked to Mother as well, she should be here soon."

"Sounds good, sister."

Donna, with one last gentle squeeze of you and Alcina's hands, goes to sit on the other side of the dining room table, lifting Angie into her own lap.

You begin to cry again. It's been off and on for the past few hours and your eyes sting, your throat aching. Burying your face against your wife's chest, you clutch at her dress, feeling her shift underneath you.

"Shh, shh." Alcina whispers, brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear. Her lips are cool against your cheek, her scent smoothing against your skin and you nuzzle closer, trying your very best to muffle your cries. "My darling dove, please—"

"I-I'm sorry," you sob. Guilt churns your stomach and you swallow down bile. "Sorry, sorry."

"It's alright, sweetheart, hush now." Rubbing her hand down your back, your wife cradles you close, her chest rumbling at the scent of your fear. "Calm down, you're going to make yourself ill."

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