Chapter Thirty Two: To Be Found [Part 1]

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A/N: Hi guys, I currently have a horrible headache right now and it's almost 1:30am and I meant to go to bed like, 3 hours ago BUT ANYWAYS here's the new chapter, I'm super proud of it and a lot happens, it's a very very wild ride! 😉

That being said, if you're confused about anything, please don't hesitate to ask! This is only Part 1 of this plot point in this story, so keep that in mind with your questions, but yeah, if you need something explained, please just ask, I love talking to yall and hearing what you think! ❤️

Like always, thank you so so much for all of your love and support for both me and this story and I hope that you enjoy! 💖🥰

**TRIGGER WARNING: attempted murder, attempted poisoning, graphic murder and descriptions of violence, mild non-con/non-con touching, language, sexual themes and blood**


You aren't surprised that Alcina hired a new chambermaid.

Your wife's ability to fire and hire help unflinchingly has always been something you admire about her. Alcina knows what she wants and she knows how she wants it done. No sugarcoating, no beating-around-the-bush. The maids either did exactly as she asked and stayed, or they failed during their first few hours in the castle and were escorted out.

Bloodied up or not, it was their own doing.

The new hire, however, had passed her first night in the castle with flying colors.

"She's diligent." Alcina had told you the week earlier, lowering the woman's letter of recommendation down to your eye-level for you to read. You were sitting on her lap, resting back against her chest as she went through her paperwork and her free arm trails down, wrapping securely around your waist as you lean forward. "Intelligent too. Top of her class during her education."

"Wonder why she wants to become a maid, then," you ask, chewing on your bottom lip as you glance over the letter. The handwriting is nearly perfect, almost too good to be true and you knit your brows, glancing up from the paper to your wife. "I'm guessing it's not because of the pay."

Alcina laughs, pressing a kiss against your forehead. "Most likely not, dove. In her letter, she mentions something about wanting to be of any service that she can. It comes from a good heart, it appears."

"Let's hope so," you sigh.

The new maid's name, you finally figure out, is Maisy. She's in her mid-20's, from a village around two hours from the castle. She arrives a few days after Alcina mails her the acceptance letter, carrying with her a small brown suitcase and a leather satchel.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Dimitrescu." Her voice is softer than you expected, a little raspy around the edges, her dark eyes glancing from your wife to you as she gives a small bow. "I simply cannot thank you enough for this opportunity, truly."

"Don't thank me yet, girl," Alcina says, her golden eyes glistening underneath the rim of her hat. Despite her harsh words, your Lady reaches out, accepting Maisy's handshake with a firm one of her own. "Survive the night first, then we'll move onto the pleasantries, yes?"

Biting your tongue to keep from laughing, you watch as Maisy nods, tucking her hands back against her sides. She turns toward you then, her dark gaze flickering between your face and Alcina's protective hold around your waist, jaw tightening in an expression you can't name.

It's gone again, however, replaced by the same timid smile before you can blink.

"I wasn't aware that the Lady of the Castle has a wife," she says, leaning forward slightly. Her face is drawn in a creepy sort of curiosity, one that causes the hairs to stand up on the back of your neck. "Does my introduction to her have to wait for the morning, as well?"

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