Chapter Fifty Nine: To Be Cuddled

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SUMMARY: Prompt by the wonderful @Tiresia: due to a combination of loud thunderstorms and extreme cold outside (it turns out that thundersnow is actually a real thing) leading to the maiden wanting to stay warm and safe in Alcina's arms the entire day. Alcina does her best to oblige, but When Alcina needs to go run a quick errand, she assigns the daughters to give cuddles her maiden in her place until she gets back, something which they are only too happy to do. Daniela is a total cuddlebug and doesn't want to let go of mama when Alcina gets back


A/N: Hi guys, I'm sorry for not updating last week. I had a personal loss in my family and attended a funeral, so writing a chapter was just a little too much for my exhausted and stressed-out brain to handle, unfortunately. This weekend, however, I finally had the time and energy again, so here's a cute and fluffy chapter for us all haha 🥰 I hope y'all enjoy! 💙💚


The combination of the thunder heard occasionally overhead and the frosty layer of snow on the ground is a little disorientating at first glance.

"Thundersnow." Your Lady remarked at the first boom of the thunder, glancing up at the high windows in the library, her eyebrows raised over her reading glasses. Running a soothing hand down your back as you calmed from the initial jump at the sudden, loud noise, Alcina tuts. "Strange, we haven't had one of these particular storms in at-least fifty years."

"Wonderful. Just what we need, honestly." Flinching as another low rumble of thunder shakes the castle, you nuzzle deeper into your wife's embrace. "Snow, thunder and lightning? What's next, a tornado?"

Alcina laughs at your complaints, booping your nose with her finger as she tightens her hold around you. "You technically can't have thunder without lightning, darling. So, yes, I think those are a packaged deal."

"You didn't say no to a tornado too—"

"I assumed the unlikely probability was implied."

Grunting at your Lady's sass, you absolutely don't pout as you press your face against her chest with a sigh. The storm raging now above Castle Dimitrescu is making you sleepy, a lethargic simmer in your bones and you nuzzle closer. Your cheek against her right breast, you blink up at the taller woman as she brushes your hair back with her free hand, her other still holding her novel by the spine.

"Tired, draga? " She asks, her golden eyes studying your face.

"Hmm, no—" You start, interrupted by a yawn. Your cheeks flush as Alcina laughs again. "Maybe a little, actually."

"Adorable." Alcina croons, kissing the crown of your head. Rising from the sofa with you still in her arms, your wife gently takes your book from you, placing it alongside her own on the end-table. "I see that there is no reason why we shouldn't retire to our chambers for the evening, hm?"

"We can't go outside anyways, so why not." You shrug, laying your head against Alcina's shoulder, watching as the dazzling castle walls and candles lighting the way sway as she walks down the hallway and up the flight of stairs leading toward your shared bedroom. "At least I don't have to get changed into my comfy clothes, since I already have them on."

"Very fortunate." Alcina says dryly, ducking through the doorway. Setting you down on your own side of the bed, she ignores your sad noise as she steps away, going toward her dresser. "Calm the anxious whimpers, beloved, I'm simply changing into my own evening wear."

Sitting up a bit so you can watch, you sigh dreamily as she starts to remove her gloves and large hat, hanging them up on her half-mannequin along the side of her dresser. Rolling her eyes at your ogling, your Lady tuts and makes a little show of stepping out of her dress. Despite the countless times you've seen your wife naked — but for her undergarments — at this point, the sight of her beautiful, strong body still sends a pleasant tingle of arousal and awe down your spine and between your legs.

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