Chapter Seventy Seven: To Be Interrupted - NSFW

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SUMMARY: Prompt by the lovely @Gay_as_sin69: I was wondering if you could possibly do a chapter where Ethan or someone/something attacks the castle and the reader gets injured in some way and sees Alcina's true form for the first time?? You're an amazing writer and I would love to read what you would be able to come up with💕


A/N: Hi guys, hello hello, happy Monday! 🥰 I hope everyone has had a lovely week so far and that you enjoy this mix of action, fluff, hurt-comfort and absolute monster-fucking filth 😩 Please don't hesitate to let me know what you think! ❤️

Just a little note: Yesterday (Sunday, May 26th 2024) was the 3rd anniversary of this fanfic and honestly, what's more poetic than posting a similar chapter to the first on the day afterwards haha I seriously cannot thank you all so much for the incredible, mind boggling support this fanfic has gotten over the last 3-years and I seriously cannot thank you guys enough, your kind words and love has made me a better person and writer and I hope you know I cherish all of your comments, likes, and views from the very bottom of my heart! 😭💖🥰 THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUUUUU! Here's to another 3-years and beyond! 🙏🏻✨

***TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter contains graphic depictions of attempted abduction and assault, crude language directed toward women and graphic descriptions of murder/violence. Please read at your own discretion and stay safe!***

**NSFW CHAPTER - KINKS: monster-fucking, size-kink, girl-penis (sort of?? it's not actually a dick), consensual possession, marking, spit-kink, spit-as-lube, voice kink, strength kink, mounting, feral-kink, biting, bdsm**


Of course the men just had to break in when you're in the middle of a relaxing bath.

The worst part? They didn't smash a window on the first floor and try to loot that way, oh no. It's just your luck that the window directly next to the bathtub is the one picked to be their entrance, nearly scaring you to death as the glass is suddenly shattered. Sinking down into the suds, you watch with wide, horrified eyes as a grappling hook twists along the wooden window pane, a man with a dark red bandana across his face, holding a rifle, clambering inside, a shorter man with a smaller gun next.

Heart in your throat, you will the bath water around you to not slosh as you creep closer to the edge of the tub, praying with everything in you for either of the men to keep facing the opposite direction.

You need Alcina. You're almost positive she can hear the way your heart absolutely pounds in terror all the way down from where she is in the wine cellar, the way the steam rising from the water nearly chokes you as your throat closes. You tremble as the looters dust themselves off, kicking at the broken glass along the marble floors a good 5-feet from where you hide.

"Don't seem to be any bullshit in here." The taller of the two men mutters to his companion, sweeping his gun in a wide arc. "Think that large bitch is anywhere close?"

"She's on the first floor, last I checked. Probably too worried about getting that fat ass through the doorways to know we're here." The other man laughs, clicking his tongue. "Too bad she's into bitches, huh? Good on the eyes, she is."

"Tell me about it, man."

An angry flush rises to your cheeks at the casual insults and innuendos thrown about your Lady, feeling a lick of fury simmer in your gut. Biting your tongue, you watch as the two man-things chuckle, starting toward the bathroom door and you sigh silently in relief, starting to plan your escape from the tub and into the safety of Alcina's arms.

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