Chapter Twenty Four: To Be Sensitive - NSFW

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A/N: Instead of actually sleeping when I'm sad/upset, I decided to stay up until almost 4am to write y'all some porn, so I hope you enjoy 😅 It's not the marking chapter but that's still on it's way pretty soon, I just needed a distraction and what's better than Alcina and rock music? Nothing, I can tell you, nothing is better 😂💖

Anyways, like I said before, I hope you all enjoy and as always, thank you so much for all of the well-wishes, love and support for both me and this fanfic, it truly makes my entire day a million times better! I love you! 🥰😭



You hadn't planned to kick Alcina in the face.

She's laid out in-between your spread legs, her tall body folded against the edge of the bed. Her long, strong arms stretch out, gentle fingers trailing down your bare sides, claws barely brushing against your skin and you shiver, arching up into her touch.

"So eager, aren't we, darling?" She practically purrs, moving upwards from your legs to press sweet, teasing kisses against your fluttering pulse point and you moan, tugging in your restraints.

"Y-Yes, ah, Alcina. . ."

The silk holds, however, tied to the posts of your bed and you pull harder in response. Alcina nips at your mark before pulling back, her gold eyes glowing in the dim bedroom light. "Such a responsive, beautiful little mate, hmm."

"P-Please--" You moan, bringing your trembling legs up, trying in vain to guide your wife back toward your pulsing center and she chuckles, the deep sound sending a hot flash of desire racing down your spine. "M'Lady, oh --"

"Patience, sweetheart."

Despite her own words, Alcina doesn't waste any time kissing her way back down your chest, pausing for a few seconds to mouth at your breasts, flickering her warm tongue across your nipples and that's almost enough to cause you to start begging again. Sensing this, your Lady lightly pinches your side in warning, trailing her lips down to the mark and kissing away the sting, replacing it instead with tiny the sharp nips of her fangs and you squirm.

"Oh, how I do love it when you wiggle so." Your wife breathes, glancing up at you from under her long lashes. One of her warm hand traces across your leg, bracing your hip against the bed with ease and you moan at her effortless strength. "Such wonderful noises, too. Yes, you're spoiling me today, dove."

"I--" You cut yourself off to let out another moan, pressing back into the hot, open mouth kisses currently tickling your side. Finally, you get enough breath back to speak. "I aim to-to please, M'Love."

Alcina's answering laugh is dark, filled with mirthful lust and you shiver at the sound. "And you do it oh so well. My wonderful minx."

With renewed vigor, your Lady leans back down after a few seconds, her free hand right behind. She circles your cunt, dragging both her tongue and her pointer-finger around the edges and the sound that gets choked from your throat is desperate, pleading in all but words. The silk around your hands is pulled taunt, digging into the skin of your wrists and you ignore the slight burn, tugging even harder.

At this, Alcina rises for just a second.

You whimper, watching with wide eyes as she suddenly reaches up, taking both of your hands in her own. Her eyes are narrowed, nostrils flaring at the first flash of your pain and you whine at the adoration-filled affection, warmth settling low in your stomach along with your desire.

"Don't injure yourself, beloved." Is all your Lady says, pressing a soothing kiss against your wrist and you nod, forcing yourself to go slack in your restraints. The growl that rumbles Alcina's chest is filled with approval and you preen at the sound. "Good girl. Continue?"

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now