Chapter Seventy Three: To Be Celebrating [Part 2]

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SUMMARY: Continuation of the previous Birthday chapter for Maiden/wonderful prompt by @radiohousewife (@yourdoorisunlocked) on AO3 🥳💅🏻


A/N: Hi guys oh my GODDDD I'm so sorry for missing update day yesterday - I've been working 45+ hours each week at work and this pinched nerve in my back is making my life an actual living hell sometimes lmaoooo (it makes me so nauseas and sore, it feels like I've worked out my stomach muscles non-stop even when I'm just laying down in bed, its actually horrible) I'm dealing with it though, I still have a orthopedic appointment in mid-May for it thankfully but yeah, I was just so exhausted last night, I legit finished the chapter and went to sleep 😅😭 Anyways, thank you as always for the love and support for me and this fic and I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! 💖🥰

ps. There IS going to be a special (NSFW😉) part 3 that I'm going to publish next week, so keep an eye out next Monday! 👀


Daniela practically tackles you in a hug as soon as you and Alcina make it through the dining room doors.

"Happy birthday, Mama!" She squeals, holding you tightly around the waist, lovingly squeezing all the air from your lungs. Wheezing, you pat at her back, sucking in a sharp inhale as she pulls away, her golden eyes glistening as she grins down at you. "Holy fuck, this is going to be so much fun!"

"Thank you, firefly." Reaching up, you cup her cheek and smile back at her, feeling Alcina slip silently beside you and go toward the head of the table. Instead of pulling out her own chair, however, she slides yours out for you instead and you flush, obediently shuffling toward the dining room table when Daniela tugs at your hand. "Where's Bela and Cass?"

"Still getting ready." Daniela says, not meeting your eyes, taking her usual seat in-front of you. Grabbing at her fork, she twirls it between her fingers before glancing toward Alcina as your Lady sits in her own chair, bussing in impatient excitement. "Are we going to eat soon, Mother? I'm starving."

"Soon, dearest." Alcina nods, smoothing her large hand down your back as you scoot your chair closer to her, messaging your shoulders and you nearly melt in bliss.

"Didn't we already eat?" You ask, blinking up at her in confusion. "In our room?"

Alcina smiles, holding up her other hand when Daniela looks like she's about to swarm angrily. "You ate, sweet girl. That was a treat for you, for your special day."

"Oh. Alright, cool."

A hot blush rises to your cheeks as Alcina laughs, bringing your hand up to her lips to kiss. Taking the few moments of blissful silence to get settled into your seat, you glance around the dining room, the familiar glisten of the late-Romanian morning settling in golden hues along the walls and chandeliers above your head. Perking up as the far door creaks open, you grin as Bela makes her way into the room, Cassandra nearly trampling after the older girl.

"Move, Bela. I'm so fucking hungry." Cass hisses, an irritated groan leaving her as she sees the dining room table is still empty. "Damn it. The food's not even ready yet, ugh—"

"Show some class, dear sister." Bela snarks, walking around the table and to your side, leaning down to kiss your cheek. "Happy birthday, Mama."

"Ah shit—" Running a hand through her tousled dark hair, Cassandra stomps her way next to you as well, pressing her own kiss to your cheek that's much more aggressive than her older sister's. "Happy birthday, Mama. Sorry."

"Thank you, darlings." You laugh softly, reaching up to pat at Cassandra's arm. "I think they're bringing breakfast out in just a minute. Just sit down, I promise you're not going to starve."

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now