Chapter Fifty Three: To Be Professional [Part 2] - NSFW

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SUMMARY: Continuation of the where the last chapter left off, based on the same prompt by the lovely @Tiresia.


A/N: Here's some Alcina porn for y'all on this lovely, extremely early Sunday morning (it's 2:26am here rn) lmaooo I hope you guys enjoy and thank you so much for all of your support, love and kind words for both me and this fanfic, it means more to me than you'll ever know or I'll ever be able to fully express! 😭❤️

**NSFW CHAPTER - KINKS: slight spanking, praise kink, dom/sub, edging, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, consensual possession, biting/marking, light hair-pulling, body worship**


The way the carriage jolts a little over the small rocks in the road certainly doesn't help you follow your wife's command to stay still.

Grasping at her dress, you're extremely thankful that the coach is tailored large enough to fit Alcina's height as you get lovingly manhandled into position. Her left hand, still gloved and warmed by your skin, skids down your sides and you whimper, your legs straddling her muscular thighs, feeling her flex. She's lost her hat, the familiar headdress sitting on the floor by her feet and she pays it no mind as she gathers you closer.

"Shh. Shh." She coos, pulling the fingers of her other hand from between your legs, tutting at the way you whine in protest. Her lips graze your neck, her fangs brushing against the jumping, beating nerve of your pulse and she rumbles. "Patience, dove."

"I-I thought—" Your voice is a little more than a desperate whisper, your hips grinding down slightly against her leg as you ache terribly between your own, you cunt slick with your need and your panties soaked. You arch into her lips with a shiver. "I thought I was a good girl?"

"Oh but you were, sweetheart, don't doubt that." Alcina says, gripping at your thighs, dragging you closer in her lap so that your chest is pressed flush against her own. Her grin is ruby-colored and filled with lustful mirth. "I just need to have a little fun too, first."

You can feel the way her hard nipples poke through the fabric of her dress, your shaking hands finding purchase against her broad shoulders, gripping. She rewards you with a little kiss against the underside of your jaw, deliciously teasing and you tremble in need. Slowly, tantalizingly, she slides both of her hands underneath the fabric of your dress, the soft and raised grooves of her gloves warm against your skin.

"Hmm and what do we have here? Ohhh." She says, her voice low and sultry, like glistened honey. Her fingers brush against the inside of your thighs, ghosting over your pussy through your underwear and you whine. "So wet for me, aren't you? Such a glistening, messy little love."

You nod and lick your lips, spreading your legs wider for her and she sucks in a deep lungful of your scent, the golden slits of her eyes flashing in desire. Leaning down, she kisses you, devouring your mouth with her own and you moan softly, your hands traveling down from her shoulders to grip as much of her large breasts as you can, squeezing the peaked rise of her nipples and it's Alcina's turn to gasp.

Pulling away with a final nip against your bottom lip with her fangs, she playfully twists the elastic of your panties in-between her thumb and pointer finger, pulling it back and letting it go. It snaps against your inner thigh, a sting that makes you moan again.

"Does my sweet, needy mate need her Mistress to take these off for her, hm?"

"Y-Yes, yes please." You whisper. Another moan leaves you, louder this time, as Alcina snaps it back again, your legs trembling. " Ah— "

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