Chapter Twenty One: To Be Attacked [Part 2]

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A/N: Hi guys! Here's part two of the Lycan attack chapter for you all! 💖🥰 I hope that you enjoy!

Just a little FYI: I have a headcanon that only Heisenberg can heal people from a Lycan bite/wound, because of his control of them, which is why Alcina calls upon him for help and not Moreau 💙💜💙💜

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy and please don't hesitate to let me know what you think!!


You come to in brief, hot flashes of consciousness.

You're in your bed, layed on top of a tarp of some kind above your blankets. It's nighttime now, the moon casting the room in a hallowed silver, broken only by the flickering of the fire and you take a split-second to gather a deep breath. That's before your ankle finally flames, washing your entire leg, all the way up through to the very back of your skull in a pain that causes your body to seize.

You writhed in agony, a choked, gurgled cry clawing up through your throat and you cough around the sound.

"Darling?" Your wife's face comes into view above you, her gold eyes clouded in concern, hands both frantic and soft at the same time as she shifts you along the sheets. "Karl's on his way, dear heart, hold on--"

"Hurts," You can barely get the word out, blinking up at Alcina through the tears that cloud your own eyes, sliding down your overheated cheeks. "M'Lady, please, hurts, hurts so bad--"

Alcina growls low, a deep sound that vibrates the air around her. With one last gentle caress against your jaw, she snaps up, glancing somewhere behind her. Buzzing fills the room, a sound that brings comfort to you even amidst your agony.

"Bela," Your Lady instructs, her tone chipped. "Contact Heisenberg, tell him to hurry."

"He's only 10 minutes out, Mother--" Your eldest starts, a brief flash of her wild blonde hair appearing toward the corner of your vision and you struggle to catch a glimpse of her worried face. "Moving as fast as he can, he said."

"Tell him he needs to be here within the next 5, otherwise I will kill him."

You can barely make out the rest of Bela's response, your eyesight going fuzzy around the edges and you surrender to the cool darkness as it sucks you back in with ease.


Heisenberg's leaning over you, his gray eyes framed by his signature pair of dark shades, brows furrowed.

"She's awake." He says over his shoulder, leaning back. In his hands, he holds a cloth of some sort, the white having completely been absorbed by red and your heart skips as you realize that it's your own blood. "I was really hoping she'd stay knocked out for this. . ."

As suddenly as Karl's above you, he's replaced by Alcina.

Your wife's lovely face is strained, pulled in a pain that you, yourself, can feel radiating from your very core and you shift, reaching toward her. She grabs at your trembling hand immediately, bringing your knuckles up to her mouth and kisses them, holding her lips against your skin.

Her honey-colored eyes squeeze shut, her chest rumbling.

"Listen to me, beloved." She says, and you nod as best you can. A choked cry leaves you as Heisenberg shifts your ankle, the fire spreading. Alcina growls around her next words. "Heisenberg needs to clean your ankle. It's become infected--"

"The lycan that bit you was rabid and a piece of it's fucking tooth got lodged into your leg." Your brother-in-law says near the foot of the bed. You're surprised by the amount of anger in his voice, touched despite the pain. "Was why it got out of my control, something wasn't right with it in the head, the dirty bastard. . ."

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