Chapter Six: To Be Arachnophobic - SEMI-NSFW

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No one requested this chapter, I just wanted to write something more fluffy and light-hearted since the last 5 chapters have been kind of angsty lmao 😅

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this kinda dumb, kinda cute ficlet and PLEASE don't hesitate to let me know what you think! 💖🥰 I love you guys!


It was just supposed to be a relaxing Sunday.

You sit, pressed up against your wife's side, in the center of the library. The couch cushion under you is warm from you and Alcina's combined body heat and you sign, snuggling deeper into your Lady's embrace. One of her hands holds her book, her golden eyes tracking the words, while her other is wrapped around your waist, a finger drawing soothing patterns against your skin.

You glance down at your own novel, listening as the rain outside batters against the stone walls of the castle, a gentle rumble of thunder shaking the air, before sneaking a peek up at your lovely wife's face.

Her high cheekbones are framed in gold from the fireplace, her long lashes fluttering as she blinks, perfect lips pursed in concentration and you bite your own to stifle a whimper. Your gaze travels even lower, tracing along her long neck, down to her chest, taking in the sight of her breasts rising and falling with each breath she takes, before your eyes take to her beautiful face once more.

You let out a surprised squeak, however, when her eyes meet yours. She smirks. "Hello, darling."

You swallow again before answering, feeling your cheeks heat in a blush. "Hi, M'Lady."

"Is there anything in particular you need, sweetling?"

"Uh," Was there? You think for a second, brows drawing together in consideration. Your wife's hand moves, coming up to cup your chin and yes, you decide that you do need something after all. "Can we do something else?"

Setting down her book, your wife makes a show of thinking about it, and you squirm, tilting your head a little to the side. Alcina's eyes go dark at that, her arm snaking more firmly around your waist and lifting you up until you're both eye-level, her chest pressed against your own. Your eyes dart between her eyes and lips, and you quiver.

"Depends," Alcina practically purrs, obviously delighting in the sweet scent of your arousal now permeating the air around them. One of her hands goes to squeeze your ass, kneading the soft flesh and you moan softly. "What do you have in mind, beloved?"

Instead of answering, you dart forward, catching Alcina's lips in a heated kiss and she's quick to take charge, swiping across your bottom lip with her tongue. You groan, your hands coming up, gripping as much of her chests as you can in your smaller hands and you squeeze, causing her to hiss in pleasure. Separating with a wet pop, your wife begins to trail her lips down your neck, kissing and nipping at the exposed skin and you lean into each press of her warm mouth. Your center burns in-between your legs, begging to be touched and you grind down against your Lady's stomach.

You moan, squeezing your eyes shut. "M-More--"

"What do we say, love?"

"Please, M'Lady, please , more, ah --"

You feel Alcina chuckle against your neck, her free hand coming up and begins to undo the buttons of your blouse, slipping it down one shoulder. Her mouth travels down from there, tasting and marking you and you reach up, gripping her shoulders.

"You're so delicious, my dear." Your wife says in-between kisses, pressing a more firm one right above your rapidly beating heart. You shiver. "I could just taste you forever."

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now