Chapter Forty Eight: To Be Cradled

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SUMMARY: her hands her hands HER HANDS


A/N: Hello hello, I'm back with more mindless fluff and cuddles and Alcina kisses because I am oh so VERY tired and I'm so thankful that next week is a 3-day-work-week because of Thanksgiving, I really need a break where I'm NOT sick and practically dying, thank you very much lmfaoooo 😭 Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this shorter chapter, I'm probably going to write something more sexual dedicated to Alcina's hands again soon (because oh my FUCK her hands her fingers😩🥵) but rn, I just needed the soft, sweet goodness. Most of this is word vomit though - like I said, I'm really tired 😅

Also the duckling chapter is in the works, I started it tonight and just - it didn't fit the vibe of what I felt like writing so I cranked this out instead haha but it IS coming, I promise! 🥰 Thank y'all as usual for the incredible love and support and please don't hesitate to let me know what you think! 💖💖💖


"Darling, are you certain you can breathe sitting like that?"

"Hmm—" Nodding, you shift in Alcina's lap, nuzzling your face deeper in-between her cleavage, your voice muffled as you tighten your arms around her torso. "Oh, yeah, absolutely."

"I have a suspicion you'd say that even if you couldn't." You can hear your wife's smirk. "Considering where your gorgeous little face is currently resting."

"Hm? Oh, yeah, absolutely— ow! "

Tugging your head up from your Lady's chest, you reach down to rub at your poor ass cheek, whining at the pinch your wife gave. Blinking up at her, you watch as she laughs, the sound deep and rich, echoing off the walls of the library around the two of you. Her smug, beautiful grin bathed in the flickering firelight, she coos, replacing your hand with her own to rub little, soothing circles where she had lightly squeezed.

"That hurt." You whine. "Why'd you do that?"

"That was for being a little brat." Leaning down despite her words, Alcina kisses at your pout, her ruby red lips sweet and soft. Pulling back, she cradles your chin in her hand. "And that was for being so endearing."

"Part of my charm." You mumble, struggling to blink the daze from your eyes at the kiss, shifting in Alcina's lap. Sitting up a little, you grab the hand that's cradling your cheek, leaning your face against the warmth of her gloves with a little sigh. "Hi."

"Hello, my beloved." Your wife whispers, her golden eyes so deep and soft that you could melt. "I'm glad you can breathe now."

"I'm not." You huff, your gaze flickering down to stare at Alcina's ample chest for a few seconds before you glance back up, mourning the loss of your pillows. "Why—?"

"You can suffocate yourself, draga mea. " Alcina clicks her tongue, brushing her thumb across your bottom lip and you swallow. "I also wanted an excuse to see your beautiful face. My sweet, pretty little wife."

Feeling the tips of your ears sting, you whimper, bringing both your hands up to tug at Alcina's wrists, bringing her large, gloved hands up toward your face. Ignoring her questioning rumble underneath you, you lean forward, smothering your cheeks against her palms, the leather of her gloves worn and soft. Letting out a contempt hum, you nuzzle more deeply, listening as she laughs softly.

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Uh-huh." You nod, kissing at the middle of her palm before snuggling where your lips just were, feeling her fingers carefully curl to better cradle your jaw. Closing your eyes, you breathe in deeply, enjoying the smell of the worn leather and your wife's scent, feeling her growl low, the sound soothing and deep. "Your hands, M'Lady, they're so—they're—"


"Perfect." You breathe, feeling her chest hitch under you, kissing another little trail on her right palm, your own smaller hands clutching at her wrists. "Your gloves are so—they're so soft and warm."

Alcina swallows, leaning down to kiss your forehead, her lips firm against your pulse. "I—I am delighted, more than you know, that you believe that, my darling little dove."

"I'm glad."

Grinning like an idiot, you peek up at your wife through her own long fingers, meeting her beautiful golden eyes. Holding her gaze, you cuddle your cheek deeper against her palm, resting your jaw into the worn leather, feeling the small stitch lines and grooves press against your skin.

The shape of them, the feel of your wife's hands, even through the leather, is as familiar as your own and you bask in them.

Leaning forward, Alcina kisses you then, licking across your bottom lip in her sultry, elegant way and you're helpless but to bend to her will, your submission to her nearly as easy as breathing and she rumbles in approval. Kissing for a few more breathless seconds, your wife finally pulls back with a small growl, her golden eyes blazing with adoration and lust.

"You're so much, my one true, my good girl. More beauty than I can ever describe." She whispers. Pressing her lips against your temple now, she sighs. "Let's rest now, hm?"

Your eyes have just fluttered shut again, your upper body resting against Alcina's with your legs off to the side, when she slowly and carefully pulls away, extracting your hold from her lovely wrists and your eyes fly open. Your whining protest dies against your lips, however, when your Lady shushes you, her gaze as sweet and soft as honey.

"Hush, hush, patience—"

The familiar warmth of her bare hand, her gloves resting against the arm of the sofa on her otherside, is enough to have you trembling in bliss, whimpering softly as Alcina strays from cradling your face for a few seconds to run her fingers through your hair. Another shudder of bliss passes through you and your wife chuckles.

"Better, my sweet?" She asks.

"They're perfect." You repeat, kissing her thumb. " You're perfect."

Alcina laughs, the sound as beautiful and shimmering as windchimes and you wiggle closer. "Not as perfect as you, my beloved. Now shh, I remember say that we're relaxing, yes?"

"Hmmm." Groaning, you nod and settle deeper against her lap, feeling her strong thighs shift underneath you as she holds you tighter against her. Leaning into her hands as she cradles your face, you sigh in bliss. "I'm so in-love with every single part of you."

"As am I, sweetheart, to you. You're my most precious little love, the owner of the better half of my heart."

Practically swooning, you nuzzle your cheek deeper against her palm, shivering in pleasure when Alcina smooths her finger across your cheekbone, her lips trailing across your forehead. Little pecks, ones that have your insides melting and you can't resist copying them into the creases between her fingers. The library's silent around the two of you, the only sound being the crackling fireplace and Alcina's soft, rumbling growls, her chest vibrating gently.

"I'm so very blessed, comoara mea, to have the honor of holding your exquisite, priceless body in my hands. It is one of the most gifted treasures ever bestowed upon me."

"I love you too." You say, because nothing that could come out of your mouth could compare to the way Alcina makes you feel, the protection and adoration that practically cascades from her lovely lips making your entire body feel floaty and soft. "I love you, Alcina—I love you so fucking much, M'Lady, I love you, love you—"

"Shh, shh, I know." Letting out a lovely, deep chuckle, your wife curls tighter around you, pressing another kiss against your cheeks. "I know, beloved. Trust me. hush now, shh."

Giggling a little, you kiss at her heart line, her palm soft and warm under your lips. "Yes ma'am."

Alcina kisses your nose. "Are you going to calm down now, my wonderful little darling?"

"Oh, yeah, absolutely."

Brushing a soothing hand under your jaw, your Lady growls playfully, leaning forward to nip at your neck, her kisses slow and deep. You shiver, whimpering against her hands, feeling Alcina gently brush a teasing, gentle finger across your kiss-bruised, pouty lips. "Minx."

". . .Well, now I'm definitely not going to calm down."

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now