Chapter Fifty Eight: To Be Mounted - NSFW

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SUMMARY: Prompt by both the wonderful @Darkus_Hearts on AO3: have Alcina and the Maiden ever used any kind of Toys during sex? if so, would you be willing to write a smut chapter including any variety of toys you think the couple would like? // and @BlackMistral on AO3: I thought about a 'prompt' (I do not believe this is the exact name, since it's not descriptive...) but if you would be okay with it, could you do a NSFW chapter with Alcina wearing a strap-on?


A/N: This is 5.5k words of pure smut and some fluff and a little, tiny bit of hurt-comfort, which is the best combination, I think 😂 I hope you all enjoy and please don't hesitate to let me know what y'all think! 💖🥰 Thank you as always for the love and support! 💙💚💙💚


KINKS INCLUDED: strap-ons, vaginal fingering, consensual possession, rough sex, praise kink, voice kink, edging, orgasm delay/denial, overstimulation, dom/sub/BDSM


"Pick whichever one you want, draga mea. "

"Oh God—" Mumbling to yourself, you glance at the row of dildos spread across your wife's desk. Though the bedrooms empty aside from you and Alcina, you feel an embarrassed flush rise to your cheeks and you swallow harshly. "Do you—uh—Any preferences, M'Lady?"

Glancing over your shoulder at the sound of Alcina's rich, sultry chuckle, your feel yourself grow wetter between your legs at the sight of her. Her tall, strong body — nude but for a red velvet robe tied haggardly across her waist, the hem of it barely covering the muscles of her thighs — laid lazily across the bed. It makes your own state of undress feel both riveting and frustratingly bare when she's still barely covered up.

Alcina's smoking, the puffs of her cigarette flowing in sleepy circles across her beautiful face and you watch as she puts it out in the little ashtray on her side of the bed. Sitting up, she taps her fingers against the mattress under her, her golden eyes tracing across your blushing cheeks.

She hums. "Does it matter what my own preferences are when your sweet little body is the one getting pleasured?"

"Um—" This is a trick question, you can tell by the way her ruby-painted lips quirk up at the corner. Gathering as much of your wits as you still possess with the way your legs tremble in need, you blink. "Yes?"

"So uncertain."


Taking a small amount of pity on you, it seems, for the way you whine, Alcina chuckles again before rising from the bed with a graceful flourish. Adjusting her crimson robe with a wink, she glides to stand behind you and you lean back against her warmth, feeling her gloveless hands settle along your shoulders.

"Decisions, decisions." She murmurs, clicking her tongue. Glancing down at you, her golden eyes are blazing in desire and mirth and you flush. "Do you have any ideas of what you'd like, darling?"

"There's just—It's a lot." Hesitantly, you reach out and grab the first dildo in the line-up. It's on the smaller size, the silicone a deep black and you trace a finger down the shaft. "Why so many?"

"I assumed you would want options, my one true." Alcina says, brushing her finger across your heated cheek. She's frowning a little at your hesitation, a deep furrow between her brows when you blink up at her through your lashes. "Is that not correct?"

"No, no, I-I just—I don't know."

Reaching out, Alcina starts to gently tug the toy from your hands, pulling you back soothingly against her warmth. "It's alright, sweetheart, I can smell your anxiety. We don't need to do anything you aren't completely comfortable with, I promise."

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