Chapter Sixty Nine: To Be Experimental - NSFW

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SUMMARY: No one requested this, I've just had this idea for chapter 69 since literally 7-chapters-ago and it's just too good of an opportunity to pass up on LMAOOO please enjoy this sexy, silly mess 😂❤️


A/N: Okay, first-of-all, I KNOW this is technically chapter 68 but when I post this fic on AO3, I have an extra chapter over there because I added an authors note chapter that I didn't add here, so we're just going to pretend that the numbers match over here because I'm sick of trying to keep both of them in line 😭

ANYWAYS - Hi guys, happy Monday! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter if you celebrated and a wonderful Sunday if you didn't! 🥰 Please take this goofy, NSFW chapter as an unintentional April Fools present - I never intended for it to work out this way but here we are lmaooo Thank you, as always, for your incredible love and support and please feel free to let me know what you think! 👀

**NSFW CHAPTER - KINKS: praise kink, dom/sub, edging, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, consensual possession, biting/marking, body worship, voice kink, slight overstimulation**


". . .and you're certain you want to do — this position, beloved?"

Nodding, you level your best pleading, puppy-dog eyes up at your wife, watching as she frowns. Blinking, however, as your own gaze trails downwards almost against your will, your mouth going dry at the delicious, smooth expanse of her skin exposed. She's almost completely undressed, the only thing covering her peaked nipples and strong, feminine curves being her red silk robe. Snapping your eyes up from staring at her thighs as her muscles flex, you bring your hands up into a begging position under your chin, making your lower lip wobble slightly.

"Yes. Please, Alcina." Brushing a strand of hair behind your ear, you shift your own weight, feeling the pulsing need for your Lady ache deeply in your core. Despite this, you give a little laugh. "It's called '69.' Like the number. It's where we, um, pleasure each other at the same time with our mouths. You know? I—I thought of it the other day and I wanted to try."

"I follow but I don't quite catch on to how we're supposed to do that when you have such little arms and legs."

Not rising to her teasing bait about your lack-of-height compared to her, you wave a dismissive hand. "You can just — you sit down on our bed, right? And I'll do like — I'll do a handstand on your lap, shove my face down there while you can, uh, go to town above me and hold my legs. Or something. We can experiment, see if it even works. Please."

Throughout your little stumbling speech-explanation, Alcina's quiet, just studying you with her familiar, smoldering golden eyes. Reaching out, she rests her large hands — free of her gloves — on your bare hips, tutting under her breath.

"A handstand?" She finally asks, a deep, husky chuckle making her chest shake. Crooning at the way you squirm, she trails her fingers down a little lower, brushing teasingly against your quivering, inner-thigh. "I do admit, darling, I am quite intrigued."

You swallow. "So that's a yes?"

"We may try it." Giving you a stern glare, however, Alcina clicks her tongue. "However, the very instant I feel that this stunt might cause you injuries, we are stopping. Am I clear?"

"Yes ma'am."

Trying not to act too excited and ruin the sexy moment, you take a second to gather a breath before grabbing at your wife's hands, tugging at her until she follows behind you to your shared bed, shedding her robe as she goes. Sitting on the edge, she immediately hosts you into her lap, your legs on either side of her wide, nude hips. Ducking down, she kisses you hard and you moan against her soft, crimson lips, wrapping your arms around her neck, your fingers playing with the raven curls at her nape. More-than-happy to sex-muse her perfectly done hair, you scratch at her scalp, feeling her hiss in pleasure against your lips.

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now