Chapter Thirty Six: To Be Dropped

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A/N: Hi ya'll, I'm so fucking sorry for how long my hiatus ended up being 😅 Real life got crazy (in both good and bad ways), I joined a few new fandoms, got a new hyperfixation, and uh, yeah, just a lot of stuff but I'm still here! 🥰

Both this fic and "Sweet Melodies Of Sorrow" have 100% NOT been abandon or anything and I still plan on updating that one soon, just need some time to plot it all out and find motivation LMAO Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy chapter 36 and thank you for your patience, understanding and love! 💙💚💙💚


Alcina's still on the phone.

It's been around an hour now, her promise of "Just a quick chat with Mother, my darling" having faded into the sunset-illuminated walls of her office a while ago and you sigh, resting your cheek against her chest again. You're in her lap, her free hand resting against your waist while your own is wrapped around her torso.

". . .and I've told him millions of times, Mother, he should know better than let his mutts roam the forest, especially after what happened to my wife. I say we rework this agreement, maybe Heisenberg can get his thick skull to work for long enough to sign the papers again—"

Swallowing, you glance up at your Lady, watching as her ruby lips tighten, the frown lines around her beautiful eyes deep and a part of you aches to reach up and kiss them away. You're tired, though, kind of annoyed if you're honest and so you sulk instead, listening as her voice rumbles against your ear. You could get up. Go down to the kitchen, get a snack, see what the girls are up to, but as frustrated as you are with your wife, you also want to be near her. You sigh again.

Clearly feeling this, Alcina glances away from where she's glaring down at her paperwork, her lovely face softening at the way you blink up at her. Leaning down, her lips brush against your temple for a split second before she's pulling away and you practically have to force yourself to keep from chasing after her.

"Oh, dove—" She breathes and you shiver. Mother Miranda, however, must mention something on the other end because Alcina's scowling again after only a moment, reaching for her red pen. "No, no, I'm certain it wasn't merely a forest creature, I know a Lycan when I see one—"

Your Lady shifts in her chair, glaring at her paper again, leaning forward just enough that you shift in her lap. Grabbing at her dress, you swallow, nuzzling your face against her chest and her free hand rises, brushing back your hair with a gentleness contradicted by the annoyed growl shaking her large frame.

"Mother—" Alcina shifts again, squaring her shoulders. You slide even further down her lap, and you struggle to hang onto her dress, trying in vain to scoot backwards. "It matters because we have our own sections of the village, you don't see Donna or Sal in my territory nearly as much—"

"Uh—" You clear your throat, attempting to catch your now-ranting Lady's attention. "Alcina—"

"Heisenburg's not a child, no matter how much he acts like one—"


"And we shouldn't be forced to put up with his-his foolishness every full moon because he can't seem to control his disgusting dogs—"

"M'Lady, I-I'm, uh, I'm slipping over here—"

Whatever Miranda must have said over the phone seems to be the last straw for Alcina because she jerks forward so fast that there's nothing stopping your descent. Rather than a slow fall like before, you barely have time to yelp out a curse before you're slamming into the ground. The air into your lungs freezes, getting sucked out in a woosh and you gasp, struggling to draw in a breath as the back of your head blooms with a sudden, sharp pain.

Oh, To Be The Lady's - [A Lady Dimitrescu/Female Reader-Insert Story]Where stories live. Discover now