Chapter Eighteen: To Be Family [Part 2] - SEMI-NSFW

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A/N: Hi guys! I hope that you enjoy Part Two of the Pond Chapter! It was a lot of fun to write and I hope that it is just as much fun for you to read! Thank you for all of your wonderful support and love for me and this story! I love you! 💖🥰


"M'Lady, I love you but if I sit in the sun for any longer, I think I'm gonna die of a fucking heat stroke."

Glancing up at your wife from where she's still lounging against the blanket, you sit up. Alcina's gaze follows you as you go, her golden eyes glowing in the shadow of her hat and you shiver at their own heat. She shifts, gently grabbing at your wrist as you make a move toward the water.

"Do be careful in the pond, darling, there are some deep patches and they can suck you in if you don't watch out for them--"

You brush away her words, grasping her hand in your own and press a kiss against her knuckles. "I will, I promise. I'm actually a pretty good swimmer, was on a team for a few months during middle school."

Despite the assurance, Alcina's brows are still furrowed. She studies you for a few more seconds before releasing you with a final nod, settling back against the checkered blanket. Doing a quick once-over of your own, desire pooling low in your chest at her gorgeous form, you finally take off toward the lake.

Daniela pauses in her splash fight against Cassandra as you near, her eyes wide in excitement.

"Hi, Mama." She calls, wadding closer to you as you toe the edge of the water. "Coming to swim?"

"Thinking about it." You reply, stepping further into the water until it brushes against your knees. You shiver at the wonderful chill, wiggling your toes against the soft sand that lines the bottom. "You girls having fun?"

Cassandra answers, swimming up beside her sister and ignoring the wave the other girl splashes at her. "It would be if Dani wasn't trying to drown me every five seconds--"

"And I wouldn't be doing that if you didn't throw mud at me." The ginger retorts, swiping at the older girl when she claws at her. "It got in my eye, you bitch--"

They wrestle for a few moments and you take this chance to step even further into the water, stopping when it comes up to your belly button. The waves are a little bit bigger out this far, rising up until they brush at your chest and you shiver at the brisk crash of them against your skin.

Turning around, you glance up at your wife on the shore to find her sitting up again, her golden eyes locked onto you. You give her a small wave before turning back toward your still bickering daughters.

"What should we do first?" You say, attempting to hopefully put a stop to the fighting that's no doubt about to break out. "Bela mentioned frogs earlier. . ."

The girl in question turns from where she's floating a few yards away, an excited grin stretching across her face and you find yourself echoing it back. She finally reaches you after a few seconds of paddling, doing a few lazy circles around you before coming to a stop.

"Yes!" She says, reaching out and grabbing your hand. She tugs, and you find yourself slipping fully into the water, the waves crashing against your face and you sputter, spitting out a mouthful. Bela laughs in apology. "Sorry, Mama, but yes, I saw a few hopping along the outer edge down this way. I was going to catch them earlier but I wanted to wait for you."

Despite the way your entire body is shivering from the chilly water, your chest glows in warmth and you follow your eldest daughter toward the right side of the pond, past a few tall reeds. Cassandra and Daniela float along behind you like baby ducks, still splashing at each other.

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